Source code for strawberryfields.apps.train.param

# Copyright 2020 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

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Contains the :class:`~.VGBS` (variational GBS) class which provides a trainable parametrization
of the GBS probability distribution.
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import thewalrus.samples
from thewalrus._hafnian import reduction
from thewalrus._torontonian import tor
from thewalrus.quantum import Qmat
from thewalrus.quantum import adj_scaling as rescale
from thewalrus.quantum import adj_scaling_torontonian as rescale_tor
from thewalrus.quantum import photon_number_mean_vector, pure_state_amplitude

import strawberryfields as sf

[docs]def rescale_adjacency(A: np.ndarray, n_mean: float, threshold: bool) -> np.ndarray: """Rescale an adjacency matrix so that it can be mapped to GBS. An adjacency matrix must have singular values not exceeding one if it can be mapped to GBS. Arbitrary adjacency matrices must first be rescaled to satisfy this condition. This function rescales an input adjacency matrix :math:`A` so that the corresponding gaussian state has: - a mean number of *clicks* equal to ``n_mean`` when ``threshold=True``; - a mean number of *photons* equal to ``n_mean`` when ``threshold=False``. **Example usage:** >>> a = np.ones((3, 3)) >>> rescale_adjacency(a, 2, True) array([[0.32232919, 0.32232919, 0.32232919], [0.32232919, 0.32232919, 0.32232919], [0.32232919, 0.32232919, 0.32232919]]) Args: A (array): the adjacency matrix to rescale n_mean (float): the target mean number of clicks or mean number of photons threshold (bool): determines whether rescaling is for a target mean number of clicks or photons Returns: array: the rescaled adjacency matrix """ scale = rescale_tor(A, n_mean) if threshold else rescale(A, n_mean) return A * scale
def _Omat(A: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Find the :math:`O` matrix of an adjacency matrix. Args: A (array): the adjacency matrix Returns: array: the :math:`O` matrix of :math:`A` """ return np.block([[np.zeros_like(A), np.conj(A)], [A, np.zeros_like(A)]])
[docs]def prob_click(A: np.ndarray, sample: np.ndarray): """Calculate the probability of a click pattern. The input adjacency matrix must have singular values not exceeding one. This can be achieved by rescaling an arbitrary adjacency matrix using :func:`rescale_adjacency`. Args: A (array): the adjacency matrix sample (array): the sample Returns: float: the probability """ n = len(A) O = _Omat(A) sample_big = np.hstack([sample, sample]).astype("int") O_sub = reduction(O, sample_big) scale = np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(np.identity(2 * n) - O)) return scale * tor(O_sub)
[docs]def prob_photon_sample(A: np.ndarray, sample: np.ndarray) -> float: """Calculate the probability of a sample of photon counts. The input adjacency matrix must have singular values not exceeding one. This can be achieved by rescaling an arbitrary adjacency matrix using :func:`rescale_adjacency`. Args: A (array): the adjacency matrix sample (array): the sample Returns: float: the probability """ n = len(A) mu = np.zeros(2 * n) cov = A_to_cov(A) sample = np.array(sample, dtype="int") return np.abs(pure_state_amplitude(mu, cov, sample, hbar=sf.hbar)) ** 2
[docs]def A_to_cov(A: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Convert an adjacency matrix to a covariance matrix of a GBS device. The input adjacency matrix must have singular values not exceeding one. This can be achieved by rescaling an arbitrary adjacency matrix using :func:`rescale_adjacency`. **Example usage:** >>> a = np.ones((3, 3)) >>> a = rescale_adjacency(a, 2, True) >>> cov = A_to_cov(a) Args: A (array): the adjacency matrix Returns: array: the covariance matrix of :math:`A` """ n = len(A) I = np.identity(2 * n) return sf.hbar * (np.linalg.inv(I - _Omat(A)) - I / 2)
[docs]class VGBS: r"""Create a variational GBS model for optimization and machine learning. An input adjacency matrix :math:`A` can be varied using: .. math:: A(\theta) = W(\theta) A W(\theta), with :math:`W` a diagonal matrix of weights that depend on a set of parameters :math:`\theta`. By varying :math:`\theta`, the distribution of samples from GBS can be trained to solve stochastic optimization and unsupervised machine learning problems. The above variational model can be used in both the threshold and PNR modes of GBS, which is specified using the ``threshold`` flag. An initial value for the mean number of clicks (if ``threshold=True``) or mean number of photons (if ``threshold=False``) is also required. The initial value ``n_mean`` should be set high since varying :math:`\theta` can only lower the mean number of clicks or photons. The mapping from :math:`\theta` to :math:`W(\theta)` is specified using the ``embedding`` argument. An embedding from the :mod:`~.apps.train.embed` module such as :class:`~.apps.train.embed.Exp` must be used, which uses the simple embedding :math:`W(\theta) = \exp(-\theta)`. **Example usage:** >>> g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(4, 0.7, seed=1967) >>> A = nx.to_numpy_array(g) >>> embedding = train.embed.Exp(4) >>> vgbs = VGBS(A, 3, embedding, threshold=True) >>> params = np.array([0.05, 0.1, 0.02, 0.01]) >>> vgbs.A(params) array([[0. , 0.30298161, 0.31534653, 0.31692721], [0.30298161, 0. , 0.30756059, 0.30910225], [0.31534653, 0.30756059, 0. , 0.32171695], [0.31692721, 0.30910225, 0.32171695, 0. ]]) >>> vgbs.n_mean(params) 2.299036355948707 >>> vgbs.generate_samples(vgbs.A(params), 2) array([[1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]) Args: A (array): the input adjacency matrix :math:`A` n_mean (float): the initial mean number of clicks or photons embedding: the method of converting from trainable parameters :math:`\theta` to :math:`W(\theta)`. Must be an embedding instance from the :mod:`~.apps.train.embed` module. threshold (bool): determines whether to use GBS in threshold or PNR mode samples (array): an optional array of samples from :math:`A` used to speed up gradient calculations """ def __init__( self, A: np.ndarray, n_mean: float, embedding, threshold: bool, samples: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): if not np.allclose(A, A.T): raise ValueError("Input must be a NumPy array corresponding to a symmetric matrix") self.A_init = rescale_adjacency(A, n_mean, threshold) self.A_init_samples = None self.embedding = embedding self.threshold = threshold self.n_modes = len(A) self.add_A_init_samples(samples)
[docs] def W(self, params: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r"""Calculate the diagonal matrix of weights :math:`W` that depends on the trainable parameters :math:`\theta`. **Example usage:** >>> vgbs.W(params) array([[0.97530991, 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0.95122942, 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0.99004983, 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0. , 0.99501248]]) Args: params (array): the trainable parameters :math:`\theta` Returns: array: the diagonal matrix of weights """ return np.sqrt(np.diag(self.embedding(params)))
[docs] def A(self, params: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r"""Calculate the trained adjacency matrix :math:`A(\theta)`. **Example usage:** >>> vgbs.A(params) array([[0. , 0.30298161, 0.31534653, 0.31692721], [0.30298161, 0. , 0.30756059, 0.30910225], [0.31534653, 0.30756059, 0. , 0.32171695], [0.31692721, 0.30910225, 0.32171695, 0. ]]) Args: params (array): the trainable parameters :math:`\theta` Returns: array: the trained adjacency matrix """ return self.W(params) @ self.A_init @ self.W(params)
[docs] def generate_samples(self, A: np.ndarray, n_samples: int, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Generate GBS samples from an input adjacency matrix. **Example usage:** >>> vgbs.generate_samples(vgbs.A(params), 2) array([[1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]) Args: A (array): the adjacency matrix n_samples (int): the number of GBS samples to generate **kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the sampler from `The Walrus <>`__ Returns: array: the generated samples """ cov = A_to_cov(A) if self.threshold: samples = thewalrus.samples.torontonian_sample_state( cov, n_samples, hbar=sf.hbar, **kwargs ) else: samples = thewalrus.samples.hafnian_sample_state(cov, n_samples, hbar=sf.hbar, **kwargs) return samples
[docs] def add_A_init_samples(self, samples: np.ndarray): r"""Add samples of the initial adjacency matrix to :attr:`A_init_samples`. .. warning:: The added samples must be from the *input* adjacency matrix and not the trained one :math:`A(\theta)`. **Example usage:** >>> samples = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1]]) >>> vgbs.add_A_init_samples(samples) Args: samples (array): samples from the initial adjacency matrix """ if samples is None: return shape = samples.shape if shape[1] != self.n_modes: raise ValueError("Must input samples of shape (number, {})".format(self.n_modes)) if self.A_init_samples is None: self.A_init_samples = samples else: self.A_init_samples = np.vstack([self.A_init_samples, samples])
[docs] def get_A_init_samples(self, n_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get samples from the initial adjacency matrix. This function checks for pre-generated samples in ``A_init_samples``. If there are fewer than ``n_samples`` stored, more samples are generated and added to ``A_init_samples``. Args: n_samples (int): number of samples to get Returns: array: samples from the initial adjacency matrix """ try: current_n_samples = self.A_init_samples.shape[0] except AttributeError: current_n_samples = 0 if current_n_samples < n_samples: new_samples = self.generate_samples(self.A_init, n_samples - current_n_samples) self.add_A_init_samples(new_samples) return self.A_init_samples[:n_samples]
[docs] def prob_sample(self, params: np.ndarray, sample: np.ndarray) -> float: r"""Calculate the probability of a given sample being generated by the VGBS system using the trainable parameters :math:`\theta`. Args: params (array): the trainable parameters :math:`\theta` sample (array): the sample Returns: float: the sample probability """ A = self.A(params) return prob_click(A, sample) if self.threshold else prob_photon_sample(A, sample)
[docs] def mean_photons_by_mode(self, params: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r"""Calculate the mean number of photons in each mode when using the trainable parameters :math:`\theta`. **Example usage:** >>> vgbs.mean_photons_by_mode(params) array([1.87217857, 1.8217392 , 1.90226515, 1.91225543]) Args: params (array): the trainable parameters :math:`\theta` Returns: array: a vector giving the mean number of photons in each mode """ disp = np.zeros(2 * self.n_modes) cov = A_to_cov(self.A(params)) return photon_number_mean_vector(disp, cov, hbar=sf.hbar)
[docs] def mean_clicks_by_mode(self, params: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r"""Calculate the mean number of clicks in each mode when using the trainable parameters :math:`\theta`. **Example usage:** >>> vgbs.mean_clicks_by_mode(params) array([0.57419812, 0.5680168 , 0.57781579, 0.57900564]) Args: params (array): the trainable parameters :math:`\theta` Returns: array: a vector giving the mean number of clicks in each mode """ cov = A_to_cov(self.A(params)) Q = Qmat(cov, hbar=sf.hbar) m = self.n_modes Qks = [[[Q[k, k], Q[k, k + m]], [Q[k + m, k], Q[k + m, k + m]]] for k in range(m)] cbar = [1 - np.linalg.det(Qks[k]) ** (-0.5) for k in range(m)] return np.real(np.array(cbar))
[docs] def n_mean(self, params: np.ndarray) -> float: r"""Calculates the mean number of clicks or photons. Evaluates the mean number of clicks or photons of the VGBS system when using the trainable parameters :math:`\theta`. The mean number of clicks is returned when :attr:`threshold` is ``True``, otherwise the mean number of photons is returned. **Example usage:** >>> vgbs.n_mean(params) 2.299036355948707 Args: params (array): the trainable parameters :math:`\theta` Returns: float: the mean number of clicks or photons """ if self.threshold: return np.sum(self.mean_clicks_by_mode(params)) return np.sum(self.mean_photons_by_mode(params))