Source code for strawberryfields.backends.gaussianbackend.backend

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# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
"""Gaussian backend"""
import warnings

from numpy import empty, concatenate, array, identity, sqrt, vstack, zeros_like, allclose, ix_
from thewalrus.samples import hafnian_sample_state, torontonian_sample_state
from thewalrus.symplectic import xxpp_to_xpxp

from strawberryfields.backends import BaseGaussian
from strawberryfields.backends.states import BaseGaussianState

from .gaussiancircuit import GaussianModes

[docs]class GaussianBackend(BaseGaussian): r"""The GaussianBackend implements a simulation of quantum optical circuits in NumPy using the Gaussian formalism, returning a :class:`~.GaussianState` state object. The primary component of the GaussianBackend is a :attr:`~.GaussianModes` object which is used to simulate a multi-mode quantum optical system. :class:`~.GaussianBackend` provides the basic API-compatible interface to the simulator, while the :attr:`~.GaussianModes` object actually carries out the mathematical simulation. The :attr:`GaussianModes` simulators maintain an internal covariance matrix & vector of means representation of a multi-mode quantum optical system. Note that unlike commonly used covariance matrix representations we encode our state in two complex matrices :math:`N` and :math:`M` that are defined as follows :math:`N_{i,j} = \langle a^\dagger _i a_j \rangle` :math:`M_{i,j} = \langle a _i a_j \rangle` and a vector of means :math:`\alpha_i =\langle a_i \rangle`. .. .. currentmodule:: strawberryfields.backends.gaussianbackend .. autosummary:: :toctree: api ~gaussiancircuit.GaussianModes ~ops """ short_name = "gaussian" circuit_spec = "gaussian" def __init__(self): """Initialize the backend.""" super().__init__() self._supported["mixed_states"] = True self._init_modes = None self.circuit = None
[docs] def begin_circuit(self, num_subsystems, **kwargs): self._init_modes = num_subsystems self.circuit = GaussianModes(num_subsystems)
[docs] def add_mode(self, n=1, **kwargs): self.circuit.add_mode(n)
[docs] def del_mode(self, modes): self.circuit.del_mode(modes)
[docs] def get_modes(self): return self.circuit.get_modes()
[docs] def reset(self, pure=True, **kwargs): self.circuit.reset(self._init_modes)
[docs] def prepare_thermal_state(self, nbar, mode): self.circuit.init_thermal(nbar, mode)
[docs] def prepare_vacuum_state(self, mode): self.circuit.loss(0.0, mode)
[docs] def prepare_coherent_state(self, r, phi, mode): self.circuit.loss(0.0, mode) self.circuit.displace(r, phi, mode)
[docs] def prepare_squeezed_state(self, r, phi, mode): self.circuit.loss(0.0, mode) self.circuit.squeeze(r, phi, mode)
[docs] def prepare_displaced_squeezed_state(self, r_d, phi_d, r_s, phi_s, mode): self.circuit.loss(0.0, mode) self.circuit.squeeze(r_s, phi_s, mode) self.circuit.displace(r_d, phi_d, mode)
[docs] def rotation(self, phi, mode): self.circuit.phase_shift(phi, mode)
[docs] def displacement(self, r, phi, mode): self.circuit.displace(r, phi, mode)
[docs] def squeeze(self, r, phi, mode): self.circuit.squeeze(r, phi, mode)
[docs] def beamsplitter(self, theta, phi, mode1, mode2): self.circuit.beamsplitter(-theta, -phi, mode1, mode2)
[docs] def measure_homodyne(self, phi, mode, shots=1, select=None, **kwargs): r"""Measure a :ref:`phase space quadrature <homodyne>` of the given mode. See :meth:`.BaseBackend.measure_homodyne`. Keyword Args: eps (float): Homodyne amounts to projection onto a quadrature eigenstate. This eigenstate is approximated by a squeezed state whose variance has been squeezed to the amount ``eps``, :math:`V_\text{meas} = \texttt{eps}^2`. Perfect homodyning is obtained when ``eps`` :math:`\to 0`. Returns: float: measured value """ if shots != 1: if select is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Gaussian backend currently does not support " "postselection if shots != 1 for homodyne measurement" ) raise NotImplementedError( "Gaussian backend currently does not support " "shots != 1 for homodyne measurement" ) # phi is the rotation of the measurement operator, hence the minus self.circuit.phase_shift(-phi, mode) if select is None: eps = kwargs.get("eps", 0.0002) qs = self.circuit.homodyne(mode, shots, eps)[0, 0] else: val = select * 2 / sqrt(2 * self.circuit.hbar) qs = self.circuit.post_select_homodyne(mode, val, **kwargs) # `qs` will always be a single value since multiple shots is not supported return array([[qs * sqrt(2 * self.circuit.hbar) / 2]])
[docs] def measure_heterodyne(self, mode, shots=1, select=None, **kwargs): if shots != 1: if select is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Gaussian backend currently does not support " "postselection if shots != 1 for heterodyne measurement" ) raise NotImplementedError( "Gaussian backend currently does not support " "shots != 1 for heterodyne measurement" ) if select is None: m = identity(2) res = 0.5 * self.circuit.measure_dyne(m, [mode], shots=shots) return array([[res[0, 0] + 1j * res[0, 1]]]) res = select self.circuit.post_select_heterodyne(mode, select) # `res` will always be a single value since multiple shots is not supported return array([[res]])
[docs] def prepare_gaussian_state(self, r, V, modes): if isinstance(modes, int): modes = [modes] # make sure number of modes matches shape of r and V N = len(modes) if len(r) != 2 * N: raise ValueError("Length of means vector must be twice the number of modes.") if V.shape != (2 * N, 2 * N): raise ValueError( "Shape of covariance matrix must be [2N, 2N], where N is the number of modes." ) # convert xp-ordering to symmetric ordering means = vstack([r[:N], r[N:]]).reshape(-1, order="F") cov = xxpp_to_xpxp(V) self.circuit.fromscovmat(cov, modes) self.circuit.fromsmean(means, modes)
[docs] def is_vacuum(self, tol=0.0, **kwargs): return self.circuit.is_vacuum(tol)
[docs] def loss(self, T, mode): self.circuit.loss(T, mode)
[docs] def passive(self, T, modes): T_expand = identity(self.circuit.nlen, dtype=T.dtype) T_expand[ix_(modes, modes)] = T self.circuit.apply_u(T_expand)
[docs] def thermal_loss(self, T, nbar, mode): self.circuit.thermal_loss(T, nbar, mode)
[docs] def measure_fock(self, modes, shots=1, select=None, **kwargs): if select is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Gaussian backend currently does not support " "postselection" ) if shots != 1: warnings.warn( "Cannot simulate non-Gaussian states. " "Conditional state after Fock measurement has not been updated." ) mu = self.circuit.mean mean = self.circuit.smeanxp() cov = self.circuit.scovmatxp() x_idxs = array(modes) p_idxs = x_idxs + len(mu) modes_idxs = concatenate([x_idxs, p_idxs]) reduced_cov = cov[ix_(modes_idxs, modes_idxs)] reduced_mean = mean[modes_idxs] # check we are sampling from a gaussian state with zero mean if allclose(mu, zeros_like(mu)): samples = hafnian_sample_state(reduced_cov, shots) else: samples = hafnian_sample_state(reduced_cov, shots, mean=reduced_mean) return samples
[docs] def measure_threshold(self, modes, shots=1, select=None, **kwargs): if shots != 1: if select is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Gaussian backend currently does not support " "postselection" ) warnings.warn( "Cannot simulate non-Gaussian states. " "Conditional state after Threshold measurement has not been updated." ) mu = self.circuit.mean cov = self.circuit.scovmatxp() mean = self.circuit.smeanxp() # check we are sampling from a gaussian state with zero mean x_idxs = array(modes) p_idxs = x_idxs + len(mu) modes_idxs = concatenate([x_idxs, p_idxs]) reduced_cov = cov[ix_(modes_idxs, modes_idxs)] reduced_mean = mean[modes_idxs] samples = torontonian_sample_state(mu=reduced_mean, cov=reduced_cov, samples=shots) return samples
[docs] def state(self, modes=None, **kwargs): """Returns the state of the quantum simulation. See :meth:`.BaseBackend.state`. Returns: GaussianState: state description """ m = self.circuit.scovmat() r = self.circuit.smean() if modes is None: modes = list(range(len(self.get_modes()))) listmodes = list(concatenate((2 * array(modes), 2 * array(modes) + 1))) covmat = empty((2 * len(modes), 2 * len(modes))) means = r[listmodes] for i, ii in enumerate(listmodes): for j, jj in enumerate(listmodes): covmat[i, j] = m[ii, jj] means *= sqrt(2 * self.circuit.hbar) / 2 covmat *= self.circuit.hbar / 2 mode_names = ["q[{}]".format(i) for i in array(self.get_modes())[modes]] return BaseGaussianState((means, covmat), len(modes), mode_names=mode_names)
[docs] def mzgate(self, phi_in, phi_ex, mode1, mode2): raise NotImplementedError