Source code for strawberryfields.circuitdrawer

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
A Strawberry Fields module that provides an object-oriented interface for building
quantum circuit representations of continuous-variable circuits using the
:math:`\LaTeX` `Qcircuit package <>`_.
import datetime
import os

# string constants used by :class:`~strawberryfields.circuitdrawer.Circuit`
# to transform Strawberry Fields operators to latex code.

DOCUMENT_CLASS = r"\documentclass{article}"
EMPTY_PAGESTYLE = r"\pagestyle{empty}"
QCIRCUIT_PACKAGE = r"\usepackage{qcircuit}"
BEGIN_DOCUMENT = r"\begin{document}"
DOCUMENT_END = r"\end{document}"
CIRCUIT_START = r"\Qcircuit"
COLUMN_SPACING = "@C={0}"  # spacing i.e. "1em"
ROW_SPACING = "@R={0}"  # spacing
MULTI_QUANTUM_WIRE = r"\qw[{0}]"  # length vector i.e. "-1"
VERTICAL_QUANTUM_WIRE = r"\qwx[{0}]"  # length vector
WIRE_END = r"\qwa[{0}]"  # length vector
CLASSICAL_WIRE = r"\cw[{0}]"  # length vector
CLASSICAL_WIRE_END = r"\cwa[{0}]"  # length vector
VERTICAL_CLASSICAL_WIRE = r"\cwx[{0}]"  # length vector
LABELLED_GATE = r"\gate{{{0}}}"  # label i.e. "X"
TARGET = r"\targ"
SWAP = r"\qswap"
MULTIGATE = r"\multigate{{{0}}}{{{1}}}"  # depth i.e. "2", label
NON_ADJACENT_MULTIGATE = r"\sgate{{{0}}}{{{1}}}"  # gate i.e. "X", second wire vector i.e. "1"
GHOST = r"\ghost{{{0}}}"  # gate
CLASSICAL_GHOST = r"\cghost{{{0}}}"  # gate
NO_GHOST = r"\nghost{{{0}}}"  # gate
CONTROL = r"\ctrl{{{0}}}"  # length vector
CONTROL_ON_ZERO = r"\ctrlo{{{0}}}"  # length vector
CLASSICAL_CONTROL = r"\cctrl{{{0}}}"  # length vector
CLASSICAL_CONTROL_ON_ZERO = r"\cctrlo{{{0}}}"  # length vector
ISOLATED_CONTROL = r"\control"
METER = r"\meter"
BASIS_METER = r"\meterB{{{0}}}"  # basis i.e. \ket{\xi_\pm}
SPLIT_BASIS_METER = r"\smeterB{{{0}}}{{{1}}}"  # basis, second wire vector
MEASURE = r"\measuretab{{{0}}}"  # label
MULTIMEASURE = r"\multimeasure{{{0}}}{{{1}}}"  # depth, label
LEFT_WIRE_LABEL = r"\lstick{{{0}}}"  # label
RIGHT_WIRE_LABEL = r"\rstick{{{0}}}"  # label
BRA = r"\bra{{{0}}}"  # state i.e. "\psi"
KET = r"\ket{{{0}}}"  # state



WIRE_TERMINATOR = r"\\" + "\n"
CIRCUIT_BODY_START = " {" + "\n"
    + "\n"
    + "\n"
    + "\n"
    + "\n"

PIPE = "|"

[docs]class NotDrawableException(Exception): """Exception raised when a circuit is not drawable. This class corresponds to the exception raised by :meth:`~.parse_op` when a circuit is deemed impossible to effectively render using qcircuit. """ pass
[docs]class ModeMismatchException(Exception): """Exception raised when parsing a Gate object. This class corresponds to the exception raised by :meth:`~.parse_op` when an operator is interpreted as an n-mode gate but is applied to a number of modes != n. """ pass
[docs]class UnsupportedGateException(Exception): """Exception raised when attempting to add an unsupported operator. This class corresponds to the exception raised by :meth:`~.parse_op` when it is attempted to add an unsupported operator to the circuit. """ pass
[docs]class Circuit: """Represents a quantum circuit that can be compiled to tex format. Args: wires (int): the number of quantum wires or subsystems to use in the circuit diagram. """ _circuit_matrix = [] def __init__(self, wires): self._document = "" self._circuit_matrix = [[QUANTUM_WIRE.format(1)] for wire in range(wires)] self._column_spacing = None self._row_spacing = None self.single_mode_gates = { "Xgate": self._x, "Zgate": self._z, "Dgate": self._d, "Sgate": self._s, "Rgate": self._r, "Pgate": self._p, "Vgate": self._v, "Kgate": self._k, "Fourier": self._fourier, } self.two_mode_gates = { "CXgate": self._cx, "CZgate": self._cz, "CKgate": self._ck, "BSgate": self._bs, "S2gate": self._s2, } def _gate_from_operator(self, op): """Infers the number of modes and callable Circuit class method that correspond with a Strawberry Fields operator object. Args: op (strawberryfields.ops.Gate): the Strawberry Fields operator object. Returns: method (function): callable method that adds the given operator to the latex circuit. mode (int): the number of modes affected by the operator gate. """ operator = str(op).split(PIPE)[0] method = None mode = None for two_mode_gate in self.two_mode_gates: if two_mode_gate in operator: method = self.two_mode_gates[two_mode_gate] mode = 2 if method is None: for single_mode_gate in self.single_mode_gates: if single_mode_gate in operator: method = self.single_mode_gates[single_mode_gate] mode = 1 return method, mode
[docs] def parse_op(self, op): """Transforms a Strawberry Fields operator object to a latex qcircuit gate. Args: op (strawberryfields.ops.Gate): the Strawberry Fields operator object. Raises: UnsupportedGateException: if the operator is not supported by the circuit drawer module. ModeMismatchException: if the operator is interpreted as an n-mode gate but is applied to a number of modes != n. """ if not op.__class__.__name__ == "Command": return method, mode = self._gate_from_operator(op) wires = list(map(lambda register: register.ind, op.reg)) if method is None: raise UnsupportedGateException( "Unsupported operation {0} not printable by circuit builder!".format(str(op)) ) if mode == len(wires): method(*wires) else: raise ModeMismatchException( "{0} mode gate applied to {1} wires!".format(mode, len(wires)) )
def _x(self, wire): """Adds a position displacement operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, PAULI_X_COMP) def _z(self, wire): """Adds a momentum displacement operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, PAULI_Z_COMP) def _s(self, wire): """Adds a squeezing operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, S_COMP) def _d(self, wire): """Adds a displacement operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, D_COMP) def _r(self, wire): """Adds a rotation operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, R_COMP) def _p(self, wire): """Adds a quadratic phase shift operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, P_COMP) def _v(self, wire): """Adds a cubic phase shift operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, V_COMP) def _k(self, wire): """Adds a Kerr operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, K_COMP) def _fourier(self, wire): """Adds a Fourier transform operator to the circuit. Args: wire (int): the subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._single_mode_gate(wire, FOURIER_COMP) def _cx(self, source_wire, target_wire): """Adds a controlled position displacement operator to the circuit. Args: source_wire (int): the controlling subsystem wire. target_wire (int): the controlled subsystem wire. """ self._controlled_mode_gate(source_wire, target_wire, TARGET) def _cz(self, source_wire, target_wire): """Adds a controlled phase operator to the circuit. Args: source_wire (int): the controlling subsystem wire. target_wire (int): the controlled subsystem wire. """ self._controlled_mode_gate(source_wire, target_wire, PAULI_Z_COMP) def _ck(self, source_wire, target_wire): """Adds a controlled Kerr operator to the circuit. Args: source_wire (int): the controlling subsystem wire. target_wire (int): the controlled subsystem wire. """ self._controlled_mode_gate(source_wire, target_wire, K_COMP) def _bs(self, first_wire, second_wire): """Adds a beams plitter operator to the circuit. Args: first_wire (int): the first subsystem wire to apply the operator to. second_wire (int): the second subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._multi_mode_gate(BS_MULTI_COMP, [first_wire, second_wire]) def _s2(self, first_wire, second_wire): """Adds an two mode squeezing operator to the circuit. Args: first_wire (int): the first subsystem wire to apply the operator to. second_wire (int): the second subsystem wire to apply the operator to. """ self._multi_mode_gate(S_MULTI_COMP, [first_wire, second_wire]) # operation types def _single_mode_gate(self, wire, circuit_op): """Adds a single-mode operator gate to the circuit. Args: circuit_op (str): the latex code for the operator. wires (list[int]): a list of the indeces of subsystem wires to apply the multi-mode gate to. """ matrix = self._circuit_matrix wire_ops = matrix[wire] if Circuit._is_empty(wire_ops[-1]): wire_ops[-1] = circuit_op else: wire_ops.append(circuit_op) for prev_wire in matrix[:wire]: prev_wire.append(QUANTUM_WIRE.format(1)) for post_wire in matrix[wire + 1 :]: post_wire.append(QUANTUM_WIRE.format(1)) def _multi_mode_gate(self, circuit_op, wires): """Adds a multi-mode operator to the circuit. Args: circuit_op (str): the latex code for the operator. wires (list[int]): a list of the indeces of subsystem wires to apply the gate to. Raises: ModeMismatchException: if the operator is applied to non-adjacent wires. """ matrix = self._circuit_matrix if not self._on_empty_column(): self._add_column() wires.sort() first_wire = wires.pop(0) wire_ops = matrix[first_wire] wire_ops[-1] = MULTIGATE.format(1, circuit_op) matrix[first_wire] = wire_ops previous_wire = first_wire for wire in wires: if not previous_wire == wire - 1: raise NotDrawableException( "{0} multi-mode gate applied to non-adjacent wires!".format(circuit_op) ) wire_ops = matrix[wire] wire_ops[-1] = GHOST.format(circuit_op) matrix[wire] = wire_ops previous_wire = wire self._circuit_matrix = matrix def _controlled_mode_gate(self, source_wire, target_wire, circuit_op): """Adds a controlled operator gate to the circuit. Args: source wire (int): the index of the controlling subsystem. target_wire (int): the index of the controlled subsystem. circuit_op (str): the latex code for the operator. """ matrix = self._circuit_matrix source_ops = matrix[source_wire] target_ops = matrix[target_wire] distance = target_wire - source_wire if Circuit._is_empty(source_ops[-1]) and Circuit._is_empty(target_ops[-1]): source_ops[-1] = CONTROL.format(distance) target_ops[-1] = circuit_op else: for index, wire_ops in enumerate(matrix): if index == source_wire: wire_ops.append(CONTROL.format(distance)) elif index == target_wire: wire_ops.append(circuit_op) else: wire_ops.append(QUANTUM_WIRE.format(1)) # helpers def _on_empty_column(self): """Checks if the right-most wires for each subsystem in the circuit are all empty Returns: bool: whether the right-most wires for each subsystem in the circuit are all empty """ matrix = self._circuit_matrix empty_column = True for wire in enumerate(matrix): wire_ops = wire[1] if not Circuit._is_empty(wire_ops[-1]): empty_column = False break return empty_column def _add_column(self): """Adds a unit of quantum wire to each subsystem in the circuit.""" for wire in self._circuit_matrix: wire.append(QUANTUM_WIRE.format(1)) @staticmethod def _is_empty(op): """Checks for a NOP, a quantum wire location without an operator. Args: op (str): latex code for either an operator, or empty quantum wire. Returns: bool: whether the argument is an empty quantum wire. """ return op == QUANTUM_WIRE.format(1) # cosmetic def _set_column_spacing(self, spacing): """Sets visual spacing between operators in quantum circuit. Args: spacing (int): spacing between operators. """ self._column_spacing = spacing def _set_row_spacing(self, spacing): """Sets visual spacing of wires in quantum circuit. Args: spacing (int): spacing between wires. """ self._row_spacing = spacing @staticmethod def _pad_with_spaces(string): """Pads string with spaces. Args: string (str): string to pad. Returns: str: string with space added to either side. """ return " " + string + " " # latex translation
[docs] def dump_to_document(self): """Writes current circuit to document. Returns: str: latex document string. """ self._init_document() self._apply_spacing() self._begin_circuit() self._add_column() for wire_ops in enumerate(self._circuit_matrix): for wire_op in wire_ops[1]: self._write_operation_to_document(wire_op) self._end_wire() self._end_circuit() self._end_document() return self._document
[docs] def compile_document(self, tex_dir="./circuit_tex"): """Compiles latex documents. Args: tex_dir (str): relative directory for latex document output. Returns: str: the file path of the resulting latex document. """ tex_dir = os.path.abspath(tex_dir) if not os.path.isdir(tex_dir): os.mkdir(tex_dir) file_name = "output_{0}".format("%Y_%B_%d_%I:%M%p")) file_path = "{0}/{1}.tex".format(tex_dir, file_name) with open(file_path, "w+") as output_file: output_file.write(self._document) return file_path
def _init_document(self): """Adds the required latex headers to the document.""" self._document = INIT_DOCUMENT def _end_document(self): """Appends latex EOD code to the document.""" self._document += DOCUMENT_END def _begin_circuit(self): """Prepares document for latex circuit content.""" self._document += CIRCUIT_BODY_START def _end_circuit(self): """Ends the latex circuit content.""" self._document += CIRCUIT_BODY_TERMINATOR def _end_wire(self): """Ends a wire within the latex circuit.""" self._document += WIRE_TERMINATOR def _apply_spacing(self): """Applies wire and operator visual spacing.""" if self._column_spacing is not None: self._document += Circuit._pad_with_spaces(COLUMN_SPACING.format(self._column_spacing)) if self._row_spacing is not None: self._document += Circuit._pad_with_spaces(ROW_SPACING.format(self._row_spacing)) def _write_operation_to_document(self, operation): """Appends operation latex code to circuit in latex document. Args: operation (str): the latex code for the quantum operation to be applied. """ self._document += Circuit._pad_with_spaces(WIRE_OPERATION.format(operation)) def __str__(self): """String representation of the Circuit class.""" return self._document