Source code for strawberryfields.compilers.compiler

# Copyright 2019-2022 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# The module docstring is in strawberryfields/compiler/
**Module name:** :mod:`strawberryfields.compilers.compiler`

import abc
import sympy as sym
from typing import Sequence, Set, Dict, Optional

import networkx as nx
import blackbird
from blackbird.utils import to_DiGraph

import strawberryfields.program_utils as pu
from strawberryfields.program_utils import CircuitError, Command, RegRef

[docs]class Compiler(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for describing circuit compilation. This class stores information about :term:`compilation of photonic quantum circuits <circuit class>`. Key ingredients in a specification include: the primitive gates supported by the circuit class, the gates that can be decomposed to sequences of primitive gates, and the possible topology/connectivity restrictions. This information is used e.g., in :meth:`.Program.compile` for validation and compilation. """ short_name = "" """str: short name of the circuit class""" _layout = None """str: layout of the circuit""" _graph = None """DiGraph: circuit graph""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def interactive(self) -> bool: """Whether the circuits in the class can be executed interactively, that is, the registers in the circuit are not reset between engine executions. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the circuit supports interactive use """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def primitives(self) -> Set[str]: """The primitive set of quantum operations directly supported by the circuit class. Returns: set[str]: the names of the quantum primitives the circuit class supports """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def decompositions(self) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """Quantum operations that are not quantum primitives for the circuit class, but are supported via specified decompositions. This should be of the form .. code-block:: python {'operation_name': {'option1': val, 'option2': val,...}} For each operation specified in the dictionary, the :meth:`.Operation.decompose` method will be called during :class:`.Program` compilation, with keyword arguments given by the dictionary value. Returns: dict[str, dict]: the quantum operations that are supported by the circuit class via decomposition """ @property def graph(self) -> Optional[nx.DiGraph]: """The allowed circuit topologies or connectivity of the class, modelled as a directed acyclic graph. This property is optional; if arbitrary topologies are allowed in the circuit class, this will simply return ``None``. Returns: networkx.DiGraph: a directed acyclic graph """ if self.circuit is None: return None if self._graph is not None: return self._graph # returned DAG has all parameters set to 0 bb = blackbird.loads(self.circuit) topology = to_DiGraph(bb) self._set_graph(topology) return topology @classmethod def _set_graph(cls, topology: nx.DiGraph) -> None: """Sets the graph attribute in the class.""" cls._graph = topology @property def circuit(self) -> Optional[str]: """A rigid circuit template that defines this circuit specification. If arbitrary topologies are allowed in the circuit class, this function will simply return ``None``. If a backend device expects a specific template for the received Blackbird script, this method will return the serialized Blackbird circuit in string form. Returns: Union[str, None]: Blackbird circuit or template representing the circuit """ return self._layout
[docs] @classmethod def init_circuit(cls, layout: str) -> None: """Sets the circuit in the compiler class. Args: layout (str): the circuit layout for the target device """ if cls._layout: # if the exact same circuit is set (apart from newlines) then return if cls._layout.replace("\n", "") != layout.replace("\n", ""): raise CircuitError( f"Circuit already set in compiler {cls.short_name}. Device layout incompatible " "with compiler layout. Call the compiler's 'reset_circuit' method, or use a " "different device layout." ) return if not isinstance(layout, str): raise TypeError("Layout must be a string representing the Blackbird circuit.") cls._layout = layout
[docs] @classmethod def reset_circuit(cls) -> None: """Resets the ``circuit`` and ``graph`` class attributes.""" cls._layout = None cls._graph = None
[docs] def compile(self, seq: Sequence[Command], registers: Sequence[RegRef]) -> Sequence[Command]: """Class-specific circuit compilation method. If additional compilation logic is required, child classes can redefine this method. Args: seq (Sequence[Command]): quantum circuit to modify registers (Sequence[RegRef]): quantum registers Returns: Sequence[Command]: modified circuit Raises: CircuitError: the given circuit cannot be validated to belong to this circuit class """ # registers is not used here, but may be used if the method is overwritten pylint: disable=unused-argument if self.graph is not None: # check topology DAG = pu.list_to_DAG(seq) # relabel the DAG nodes to integers, with attributes # specifying the operation name. This allows them to be # compared, rather than using Command objects. mapping_name, mapping_args, mapping_modes = {}, {}, {} for i, n in enumerate(DAG.nodes()): mapping_name[i] = n.op.__class__.__name__ mapping_args[i] = n.op.p mapping_modes[i] = tuple(m.ind for m in n.reg) circuit = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(DAG) nx.set_node_attributes(circuit, mapping_name, name="name") nx.set_node_attributes(circuit, mapping_args, name="args") nx.set_node_attributes(circuit, mapping_modes, name="modes") def node_match(n1, n2): """Returns True if both nodes have the same name and modes""" return n1["name"] == n2["name"] and n1["modes"] == n2["modes"] GM = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(self.graph, circuit, node_match) # check if topology matches if not GM.is_isomorphic(): raise pu.CircuitError( "Program cannot be used with the compiler '{}' " "due to incompatible topology.".format(self.short_name) ) # check if hard-coded parameters match G1nodes = self.graph.nodes().data() G2nodes = circuit.nodes().data() for n1, n2 in GM.mapping.items(): for x, y in zip(G1nodes[n1]["args"], G2nodes[n2]["args"]): if x != y and not (isinstance(x, sym.Symbol) or isinstance(y, sym.Expr)): raise CircuitError( "Program cannot be used with the compiler '{}' " "due to incompatible parameter values.".format(self.short_name) ) return seq
[docs] def decompose(self, seq: Sequence[Command]) -> Sequence[Command]: """Recursively decompose all gates in a given sequence, as allowed by the circuit specification. This method follows the directives defined in the :attr:`~.Compiler.primitives` and :attr:`~.Compiler.decompositions` class attributes to determine whether a command should be decomposed. The order of precedence to determine whether decomposition should be applied is as follows. 1. First, we check if the operation is in :attr:`~.Compiler.decompositions`. If not, decomposition is skipped, and the operation is applied as a primitive (if supported by the ``Compiler``). 2. Next, we check if (a) the operation supports decomposition, and (b) if the user has explicitly requested no decomposition. - If both (a) and (b) are true, the operation is applied as a primitive (if supported by the ``Compiler``). - Otherwise, we attempt to decompose the operation by calling :meth:`~.Operation.decompose` recursively. Args: list[strawberryfields.program_utils.Command]: list of commands to be decomposed Returns: list[strawberryfields.program_utils.Command]: list of compiled commands for the circuit specification """ compiled = [] for cmd in seq: op_name = cmd.op.__class__.__name__ if op_name in self.decompositions: # target can implement this op decomposed if hasattr(cmd.op, "decomp") and not cmd.op.decomp: # user has requested application of the op as a primitive if op_name in self.primitives: compiled.append(cmd) continue raise pu.CircuitError( "The operation {} is not a primitive for the compiler '{}'".format( cmd.op.__class__.__name__, self.short_name ) ) try: kwargs = self.decompositions[op_name] temp = cmd.op.decompose(cmd.reg, **kwargs) # now compile the decomposition temp = self.decompose(temp) compiled.extend(temp) except NotImplementedError as err: # Operation does not have _decompose() method defined! # simplify the error message by suppressing the previous exception raise err from None elif op_name in self.primitives: # target can handle the op natively compiled.append(cmd) else: raise pu.CircuitError( "The operation {} cannot be used with the compiler '{}'.".format( cmd.op.__class__.__name__, self.short_name ) ) return compiled
[docs] def update_params(self, program, device) -> None: """Updates and checks parameters in the program circuit. Child classes can override this method with compiler specific logic. If no parameters need to be updated, and are separately checked, this method should not be overridden and be left empty. Args: program (.Program): Program containing the circuit and gate parameters device (.DeviceSpec): device specification containing the valid parameter values """ # unless overridden by subclass, no parameters need to be updated return None
[docs] def add_loss(self, program, device): """Adds realistic loss to circuit. Child classes which are hardware compilers should override this method with device specific loss added to the circuit.""" raise NotImplementedError
class Range: """Lightweight class for representing a range of floats. **Example** >>> x = Range(0.2, 0.5) >>> print(x) 0.2≤x≤0.5 >>> 0.34 in x True >>> -0.1 in x False Note that the upper bound is inclusive: >>> 0.5 in x True Leaving off the lower bound corresponds to a range of a single value: >>> x = Range(0.3) >>> 0.3 in x True >>> 0.30001 in x False Args: x (float): lower bound of the range Keyword Args: y (float): Upper bound of the range (inclusive). If not provided, the range will represent the single value ``x``. variable_name (str): the variable name to use when printing the range atol (float): positive float representing the absolute tolerance used when checking if items are within the range """ def __init__(self, x, y=None, variable_name="x", atol=1e-5): self.x = x self.y = y if y is not None else x = variable_name self.atol = atol if self.y < self.x: raise ValueError( "Upper bound of the range must be strictly larger than the lower bound." ) def __contains__(self, item): return self.x - self.atol <= item <= self.y + self.atol def __repr__(self): if self.x == self.y: return "{}={}".format(, self.x) return "{}{}{}".format(self.x,, self.y) def __eq__(self, other): return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y
[docs]class Ranges: """Lightweight class for representing a set of ranges of floats. **Example** >>> x = Ranges([0], [0.2, 0.55], [1.0]) >>> print(x) x=0, 0.2≤x≤0.55, x=1.0 >>> test_data = [0, 0.34, 0.1, 1.0] >>> [i in x for i in test_data] [True, True, False, True] Args: r1, r2, r3,... (list[float]): Allowed ranges. Lists of size ``(1,)`` correspond to a single allowed value, whereas lists of size ``(2,)`` correspond to a lower and upper bound (inclusive). Keyword Args variable_name (str): the variable name to use when printing the range """ def __init__(self, *args, variable_name="x"): self.ranges = [Range(*a, variable_name=variable_name) for a in args] def __contains__(self, item): for range_ in self.ranges: if item in range_: return True return False def __repr__(self): return ", ".join([str(i) for i in self.ranges]) def __eq__(self, other): if len(self.ranges) != len(other.ranges): return False return all(i == j for i, j in zip(self.ranges, other.ranges))