Source code for strawberryfields.program_utils

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains various utility classes and functions used
within the :class:`~.Program` class.

from import Sequence

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

import blackbird as bb
import as sfio

from blackbird.utils import match_template, TemplateError
from .parameters import MeasuredParameter, par_evaluate

__all__ = [

Program_current_context = None
"""Context for inputting a Program. Used to be a class attribute of :class:`.Program`, placed
here to avoid cyclic imports."""
# todo: Avoid issues with Program contexts and threading,
# cf. in the python standard distribution.

[docs]class RegRefError(IndexError): """Exception raised by :class:`.Program` when it encounters an invalid register reference. E.g., trying to apply a gate to a nonexistent or deleted subsystem. """
[docs]class CircuitError(RuntimeError): """Exception raised by :class:`.Program` when it encounters an illegal operation in the quantum circuit. E.g., trying to use an Operation type that is unsupported by the current compilation target. """
[docs]class MergeFailure(RuntimeError): """Exception raised by :meth:`strawberryfields.ops.Operation.merge` when an attempted merge fails. E.g., trying to merge two gates of different families. """
[docs]class Command: """Represents a quantum operation applied on specific subsystems of the register. A Command instance is immutable once created, and can be shared between several :class:`.Program` instances. Args: op (~strawberryfields.ops.Operation): quantum operation to apply reg (Sequence[RegRef]): Subsystems to which the operation is applied. Note that the order matters here. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, op, reg): # accept a single RegRef in addition to a Sequence if not isinstance(reg, Sequence): reg = [reg] #: Operation: quantum operation to apply self.op = op #: Sequence[RegRef]: subsystems to which the operation is applied self.reg = reg def __str__(self): """ Return a string containing the command in Blackbird syntax. """ operation = str(self.op) if self.op.ns == 0: # op takes no subsystems as parameters, do not print anything more code = operation else: subsystems = ", ".join([str(r) for r in self.reg]) code = "{} | ({})".format(operation, subsystems) return code def __lt__(self, other): # Needed as a tiebreaker for NetworkX lexicographical_topological_sort() # due to a buggy implementation! Any order will do. Remove when NetworkX is fixed. return True
[docs] def get_dependencies(self): """Subsystems the command depends on. Combination of ``self.reg`` and ``self.op.measurement_deps``. .. note:: ``measurement_deps`` are used to ensure that the measurement happens before the result is used, but this is a bit too strict: two gates depending on the same measurement result but otherwise acting on different subsystems should commute. Returns: set[RegRef]: set of subsystems the command depends on """ deps = self.op.measurement_deps | set(self.reg) return deps
[docs]class RegRef: """Quantum register reference. The objects of this class refer to a specific subsystem (mode) of a quantum register. Within the scope of each :class:`.Program` instance, only one RegRef instance should exist per subsystem. Program keeps the authoritative mapping of subsystem indices to RegRef instances. Subsystem measurement results are stored in the "official" RegRef object. If other RegRef objects referring to the same subsystem exist, they will not be updated. Once a RegRef is assigned a subsystem index it will never change, not even if the subsystem is deleted. The RegRefs are constructed in :meth:`.Program._add_subsystems`. Args: ind (int): index of the register subsystem referred to """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, ind): self.ind = ind #: int: subsystem index self.val = None #: float, complex: Measurement result. None if the subsystem has not been measured yet. = True #: bool: True at construction, False after the subsystem is deleted def __str__(self): return "q[{}]".format(self.ind) def __hash__(self): """Hashing method. NOTE: Has to match :meth:`__eq__` such that if two RegRefs compare equal they must have equal hashes. """ return hash((self.ind, def __eq__(self, other): """Equality comparison. Compares the index and the activity state of the two RegRefs, the val field does not matter. NOTE: Affects the hashability of RegRefs, see also :meth:`__hash__`. """ if other.__class__ != self.__class__: print("--------------- regref.__eq__: compared reqref to ", other.__class__) return False return self.ind == other.ind and == @property def par(self): """Convert the RegRef into a measured parameter. Returns: MeasuredParameter: measured parameter linked to this RegRef """ return MeasuredParameter(self)
# ================= # Utility functions # =================
[docs]def list_to_grid(ls): """Transforms a list of Commands to a grid representation. The grid is a mapping from subsystem indices to lists of :class:`Command` instances touching that subsystem, in temporal order. The same Command instance will appear in each list that corresponds to one of its subsystems. Args: ls (Iterable[Command]): quantum circuit Returns: dict[int, list[Command]]: same circuit in grid form """ grid = {} # enter every operation in the list to its proper position in the grid for cmd in ls: for r in cmd.get_dependencies(): # Add cmd to the grid to the end of the line r.ind. grid.setdefault(r.ind, []).append(cmd) return grid
[docs]def grid_to_DAG(grid): """Transforms a grid of Commands to a DAG representation. In the DAG (directed acyclic graph) each node is a :class:`Command` instance, and edges point from Commands to their immediate dependents/followers. Args: grid (dict[int, list[Command]]): quantum circuit Returns: networkx.DiGraph[Command]: same circuit in DAG form """ DAG = nx.DiGraph() for _, q in grid.items(): if q: # add the first operation on the wire that does not depend on anything DAG.add_node(q[0]) for i in range(1, len(q)): # add the edge between the operations, and the operation nodes themselves DAG.add_edge(q[i - 1], q[i]) return DAG
[docs]def list_to_DAG(ls): """Transforms a list of Commands to a DAG representation. In the DAG (directed acyclic graph) each node is a :class:`Command` instance, and edges point from Commands to their immediate dependents/followers. Args: ls (Iterable[Command]): quantum circuit Returns: networkx.DiGraph[Command]: same circuit in DAG form """ return grid_to_DAG(list_to_grid(ls))
[docs]def DAG_to_list(dag): """Transforms a Command DAG to a list representation. The list contains the :class:`Command` instances in (one possible) topological order, i.e., dependants following the operations they depend on. Args: dag (networkx.DiGraph[Command]): quantum circuit Returns: list[Command]: same circuit in list form """ # sort the operation graph into topological order temp = nx.algorithms.dag.topological_sort(dag) return list(temp)
[docs]def group_operations(seq, predicate): """Group a set of Operations in a circuit together (if possible). For the purposes of this method, we call a :class:`Operation` instance *marked* iff ``predicate`` returns True on it. This method converts the quantum circuit in ``seq`` into an equivalent circuit ``A+B+C``, where the :class:`Command` instances in sequences ``A`` and ``C`` do not contain any marked Operations. The sequence ``B`` contains all marked Operations in the circuit, and possibly additional unmarked instances that could not be moved into ``A`` or ``C`` using the available commutation rules. Any of the three returned sequences can be empty (but if ``B`` is empty then so is ``C``). Args: seq (Sequence[Command]): quantum circuit predicate (Callable[[Operation], bool]): Grouping predicate. Returns True for the Operations to be grouped together, False for the others. Returns: Tuple[Sequence[Command]]: A, B, C such that A+B+C is equivalent to seq, and A and C do not contain any marked Operation instances. """ def find_first_index(seq): """Index of the first element in the sequence for which the predicate function returns True. If no such element exists, returns the length of the sequence. """ return next((i for i, e in enumerate(seq) if predicate(e.op)), len(seq)) def marked_last(node): """Mapping from nodes to sorting keys to resolve ambiguities in the topological sort. Larger key values come later in the lexicographical-topological ordering. """ if predicate(node.op): return 1 return 0 def lex_topo(seq, key): """Sorts a Command sequence lexicographical-topologically using the given lexicographic key function.""" DAG = list_to_DAG(seq) return list(nx.algorithms.dag.lexicographical_topological_sort(DAG, key=key)) C = lex_topo(seq, key=marked_last) ind = find_first_index(C) A = C[:ind] # initial unmarked instances B = C[ind:] # marked and possibly unmarked # re-sort B, marked instances first C = lex_topo(B, key=lambda x: -marked_last(x)) # find last marked ind = len(C) - find_first_index(list(reversed(C))) B = C[:ind] # marked and still possibly unmarked C = C[ind:] # final unmarked instances return A, B, C
[docs]def optimize_circuit(seq): """Try to simplify and optimize a quantum circuit. The purpose of the optimizer is to simplify the circuit to make it cheaper and faster to execute. Different backends may require different types of optimization, but in general the fewer operations a circuit has, the faster it should run. The optimizer thus should convert the circuit into a simpler :term:`equivalent circuit`. The optimizations are based on the abstract algebraic properties of the Operations constituting the circuit, e.g., combining two consecutive gates of the same gate family, and at no point should require a matrix representation of any kind. The optimization must also not change the state of the RegRefs in any way. Currently the optimization is very simple. It * merges neighboring :class:`state preparations <.Preparation>` and :class:`gates <.Gate>` belonging to the same family and acting on the same sequence of subsystems * cancels neighboring pairs of a gate and its inverse Args: seq (Sequence[Command]): quantum circuit to optimize Returns: List[Command]: optimized circuit """ def _print_list(i, q, print_fn=print): "For debugging." # pylint: disable=unreachable return print_fn("i: {}, len: {} ".format(i, len(q)), end="") for x in q: print_fn(x.op, ", ", end="") print_fn() grid = list_to_grid(seq) # try merging neighboring operations on each wire # TODO the merging could also be done using the circuit DAG, which # might be smarter (ns>1 would be easy) for k in grid: q = grid[k] i = 0 # index along the wire _print_list(i, q) while i + 1 < len(q): # at least two operations left to merge on this wire try: a = q[i] b = q[i + 1] # the ops must have equal size and act on the same wires if a.op.ns == b.op.ns and a.reg == b.reg: if a.op.ns != 1: # ns > 1 is tougher. on no wire must there be anything # between them, also deleting is more complicated # todo treat it as a failed merge for now i += 1 continue op = a.op.merge(b.op) # merge was successful, delete the old ops del q[i : i + 2] # insert the merged op (unless it's identity) if op is not None: q.insert(i, Command(op, a.reg)) # move one spot backwards to try another merge if i > 0: i -= 1 _print_list(i, q) continue except MergeFailure: pass i += 1 # failed at merging the ops, move forward # convert the circuit back into a list (via a DAG) DAG = grid_to_DAG(grid) return DAG_to_list(DAG)
def program_equivalence(prog1, prog2, compare_params=True, atol=1e-6, rtol=0): r"""Checks if two programs are equivalent. This function converts the program lists into directed acyclic graphs, and runs the NetworkX `is_isomorphic` graph function in order to determine if the two programs are equivalent. .. note:: When checking for parameter equality between two parameters :math:`a` and :math:`b`, we use the following formula: .. math:: |a - b| \leq (\texttt{atol} + \texttt{rtol}\times|b|) Args: prog1 (strawberryfields.program.Program): quantum program prog2 (strawberryfields.program.Program): quantum program compare_params (bool): Set to ``False`` to turn of comparing program parameters; equivalency will only take into account the operation order. atol (float): the absolute tolerance parameter for checking quantum operation parameter equality rtol (float): the relative tolerance parameter for checking quantum operation parameter equality Returns: bool: returns ``True`` if two quantum programs are equivalent """ # TODO: at the moment, we do not check for whether an empty # wire will match an operation with trivial parameters. # Maybe we can do this in future, but this is a subgraph # isomorphism problem and much harder. # if the same program is passed twice, return ``True`` if prog1 is prog2: return True DAG1 = list_to_DAG(prog1.circuit) DAG2 = list_to_DAG(prog2.circuit) circuit = [] for G in (DAG1, DAG2): # relabel the DAG nodes to integers circuit.append(nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G)) # ``CXgate`` and ``BSgate`` are not symmetric with respect to permuting the order of the two # modes it acts on; i.e., the order of the wires matter wire_mapping = {} for i, n in enumerate(G.nodes()): # not a ``CXgate`` or a ``BSgate``, order of wires doesn't matter wire_mapping[i] = 0 if n.op.__class__.__name__ == "CXgate": # if the ``CXgate`` parameter is not 0, order matters if not np.allclose(n.op.p[0], 0): wire_mapping[i] = [j.ind for j in n.reg] elif n.op.__class__.__name__ == "BSgate": # if the beamsplitter is not symmetric, order matters bs_params = [j % np.pi for j in par_evaluate(n.op.p)] if not np.allclose(bs_params, [np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2]): wire_mapping[i] = [j.ind for j in n.reg] # add node attributes to store the operation wires nx.set_node_attributes(circuit[-1], wire_mapping, name="w") # add node attributes to store the operation parameters if compare_params: parameter_mapping = {i: par_evaluate(n.op.p) for i, n in enumerate(G.nodes())} nx.set_node_attributes(circuit[-1], parameter_mapping, name="p") # add node attributes to store the operation name name_mapping = {i: n.op.__class__.__name__ for i, n in enumerate(G.nodes())} nx.set_node_attributes(circuit[-1], name_mapping, name="name") def node_match(n1, n2): """Returns True if both nodes have the same name and same parameters, within a certain tolerance""" name_match = n1["name"] == n2["name"] wire_match = n1["w"] == n2["w"] if compare_params: p_match = np.allclose(n1["p"], n2["p"], atol=atol, rtol=rtol) return name_match and p_match and wire_match return name_match and wire_match # check if circuits are equivalent return nx.is_isomorphic(circuit[0], circuit[1], node_match) def validate_gate_parameters(compiled, device=None): """Validates gate parameters against a device spec. Args: compiled (sf.Program, blackbird.BlackbirdProgram): program to validate device (sf.Device): Device containing device specification. If ``None``, the device is extracted from the compile info (if program is a compiled ``sf.Program`` object). Returns: gate_parameters (dict): validated gate parameters for the job as extracted from ``blackbird.utils.match_template`` Raises: ValueError: if any gate parameters have invalid values ValueError: if the program is not compiled and no device is passed TemplateError: if there is a mismatch between the circuit and the device specification layout """ if not device: if isinstance(compiled, bb.BlackbirdProgram): raise ValueError("A device is required when validating a Blackbird program") if not compiled._compile_info: # pylint: disable=protected-access raise ValueError("Program not compiled. A device is required to validate the circuit.") device, _ = compiled._compile_info # pylint: disable=protected-access bb_device = bb.loads(device.layout) # if there is no target in the layout, set the device target in the Blackbird program if["name"] is None: bb_device._target["name"] = # pylint: disable=protected-access if not isinstance(compiled, bb.BlackbirdProgram): lossless_compiled = compiled._linked_copy() # pylint: disable=protected-access lossless_compiled.circuit = remove_loss(compiled.circuit) compiled = sfio.to_blackbird(lossless_compiled) try: user_parameters = match_template(bb_device, compiled) except TemplateError as e: raise CircuitError( "Program cannot be matched with the device layout due to incompatible topology." ) from e # raises ValueError if parameters are invalid device.validate_parameters(**user_parameters) return user_parameters def remove_loss(circuit): """Removes any ``LossChannel`` operations from a circuit sequence. Args: circuit (list[Command]: circuit with ``LossChannels`` to be removed Returns: list[Command]: circuit where the ``LossChannels`` have been removed """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from strawberryfields.ops import LossChannel lossless_circuit = circuit.copy() for cmd in circuit: if isinstance(cmd.op, LossChannel): lossless_circuit.remove(cmd) return lossless_circuit