Source code for strawberryfields.apps.train.embed

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Submodule for embedding trainable parameters into the GBS distribution.

import numpy as np

[docs]class ExpFeatures: r"""Exponential embedding with feature vectors. Weights of the :math:`W` matrix in the :math:`WAW` parametrization are expressed as an exponential of the inner product between user-specified feature vectors and trainable parameters: :math:`w_i = \exp(-f^{(i)}\cdot\theta)`. The Jacobian, which encapsulates the derivatives of the weights with respect to the parameters can be computed straightforwardly as: :math:`\frac{d w_i}{d\theta_k} = -f^{(i)}_k w_i`. **Example usage:** >>> features = np.array([[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], [0.3, 0.3, 0.3]]) >>> embedding = ExpFeatures(features) >>> parameters = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) >>> embedding(parameters) [0.94176453 0.88692044 0.83527021] Args: features (np.array): Matrix of feature vectors where the i-th row is the i-th feature vector """ def __init__(self, features): """Initializes the class for an input matrix whose rows are feature vectors""" self.features = features self.m, self.d = np.shape(features) def __call__(self, params): return self.weights(params)
[docs] def weights(self, params): r"""Computes weights as a function of input parameters. Args: params (np.array): trainable parameters Returns: np.array: weights """ if self.d != len(params): raise ValueError( "Dimension of parameter vector must be equal to dimension of feature vectors" ) return np.exp(-self.features @ params)
[docs] def jacobian(self, params): r"""Computes the Jacobian matrix of weights with respect to input parameters :math:`J_{ ij} = \frac{\partial w_i}{\partial \theta_j}`. Args: params (np.array): trainable parameters Returns: np.array: Jacobian matrix of weights with respect to parameters """ if self.d != len(params): raise ValueError( "Dimension of parameter vector must be equal to dimension of feature vectors" ) w = self.weights(params) return -self.features * w[:, np.newaxis]
[docs]class Exp(ExpFeatures): r"""Simple exponential embedding. Weights of the :math:`W` matrix in the :math:`WAW` parametrization are expressed as an exponential of the trainable parameters: :math:`w_i = \exp(-\theta_i)`. The Jacobian, which encapsulates the derivatives of the weights with respect to the parameters can be computed straightforwardly as: :math:`\frac{d w_i}{d\theta_k} = -w_i\delta_{i,k}`. **Example usage:** >>> dim = 3 >>> embedding = Exp(dim) >>> parameters = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) >>> embedding(parameters) [0.90483742 0.81873075 0.74081822] Args: dim (int): Dimension of the vector of parameters, which is equal to the number of modes in the GBS distribution """ def __init__(self, dim): """The simple exponential mapping is a special case where the matrix of feature vectors is the identity""" super().__init__(np.eye(dim))