Source code for strawberryfields.backends.tfbackend.states

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""TensorFlow states module"""
from string import ascii_lowercase as indices

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy.special import factorial

# With TF 2.1+, the legacy tf.einsum was renamed to _einsum_v1, while
# the replacement tf.einsum introduced the bug. This try-except block
# will dynamically patch TensorFlow versions where _einsum_v1 exists, to make it the
# default einsum implementation.
# For more details, see
    from tensorflow.python.ops.special_math_ops import _einsum_v1

    tf.einsum = _einsum_v1
except ImportError:

from strawberryfields.backends.states import BaseFockState
from .ops import ladder_ops, phase_shifter_matrix, reduced_density_matrix

[docs]class FockStateTF(BaseFockState): r"""Class for the representation of quantum states in the Fock basis using the TFBackend. Args: state_data (array): the state representation in the Fock basis num_modes (int): the number of modes in the state pure (bool): True if the state is a pure state, false if the state is mixed cutoff_dim (int): the Fock basis truncation size batched (bool): (optional) default False means no batching mode_names (Sequence): (optional) this argument contains a list providing mode names for each mode in the state dtype (tf.DType): (optional) complex Tensorflow Tensor type representation, either ``tf.complex64`` (default) or ``tf.complex128`` """ def __init__( self, state_data, num_modes, pure, cutoff_dim, batched=False, mode_names=None, dtype=tf.complex64, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments state_data = tf.convert_to_tensor( state_data, name="state_data" ) # convert everything to a Tensor so we have the option to do symbolic evaluations super().__init__(state_data, num_modes, pure, cutoff_dim, mode_names) self._batched = batched self._dtype = dtype self._str = ( "<FockStateTF: num_modes={}, cutoff={}, pure={}, batched={}, hbar={}, dtype={}>".format( self.num_modes, self.cutoff_dim, self._pure, self._batched, self._hbar, self._dtype ) )
[docs] def trace(self, **kwargs): r""" Computes the trace of the state. May be numerical or symbolic. Returns: float/Tensor: the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the trace. """ s = if not self.batched: s = tf.expand_dims(s, 0) # insert fake batch dimension if self.is_pure: flat_state = tf.reshape(s, [-1, self.cutoff_dim**self.num_modes]) tr = tf.reduce_sum(flat_state * tf.math.conj(flat_state), 1) else: # hack because tensorflow einsum doesn't allow partial trace tr = s for _ in range(self.num_modes): tr = tf.linalg.trace(tr) if not self.batched: tr = tf.squeeze(tr, 0) # drop fake batch dimension return tr
[docs] def fock_prob(self, n, **kwargs): r""" Compute the probabilities of a specific Fock-basis matrix element for the state. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: n (Sequence[int]): the Fock state :math:`\ket{\vec{n}}` that we want to measure the probability of Returns: float/Tensor: the numerical values, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the Fock-state probabilities. """ if len(n) != self.num_modes: raise ValueError("List length should be equal to number of modes") if max(n) >= self.cutoff_dim: raise ValueError("Can't get distribution beyond truncation level") state = if not self.batched: state = tf.expand_dims(state, 0) # add fake batch dimension # put batch dimension at end to match behaviour of tf.gather_nd if self.is_pure: flat_idx = np.ravel_multi_index(n, [self.cutoff_dim] * self.num_modes) flat_state = tf.reshape(state, [-1, self.cutoff_dim**self.num_modes]) prob = tf.abs(flat_state[:, flat_idx]) ** 2 else: doubled_n = [n[i // 2] for i in range(len(n) * 2)] flat_idx = np.ravel_multi_index(doubled_n, [self.cutoff_dim] * (2 * self.num_modes)) flat_state = tf.reshape(state, [-1, self.cutoff_dim ** (2 * self.num_modes)]) prob = flat_state[:, flat_idx] if not self.batched: prob = tf.squeeze(prob, 0) # drop fake batch dimension prob = tf.math.real(prob) prob = tf.identity(prob, name="fock_prob") return prob
[docs] def all_fock_probs(self, **kwargs): r""" Compute the probabilities of all possible Fock-basis states for the state. May be numerical or symbolic. For example, in the case of 3 modes, this method allows the Fock state probability :math:`|\braketD{0,2,3}{\psi}|^2` to be returned via .. code-block:: python probs = state.all_fock_probs() probs[0,2,3] Args: Returns: array/Tensor: the numerical values, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the Fock-basis probabilities. """ state = if not self.batched: state = tf.expand_dims(state, 0) # add fake batch dimension if self.is_pure: probs = tf.abs(state) ** 2 else: # convert to index scheme compatible with tf.linalg.diag_part rng = np.arange(1, 2 * self.num_modes + 1, 2) perm = np.concatenate([[0], rng, rng + 1]) perm_state = tf.transpose(state, perm) probs = tf.map_fn( tf.linalg.tensor_diag_part, perm_state ) # diag_part doesn't work with batches, need to use map_fn if not self.batched: probs = tf.squeeze(probs, 0) # drop fake batch dimension probs = tf.identity(probs, name="all_fock_probs") return probs
[docs] def fidelity(self, other_state, mode, **kwargs): r""" Compute the fidelity of the reduced state (on the specified mode) with the state. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: other_state (array): state vector (ket) to compute the fidelity with respect to mode (int): which subsystem to use for the fidelity computation Returns: float/Tensor: the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the fidelity. """ rho = self.reduced_dm([mode]) # don't pass kwargs yet if not self.batched: rho = tf.expand_dims(rho, 0) # add fake batch dimension if len(other_state.shape) == 1: other_state = tf.expand_dims(other_state, 0) # add batch dimension for state other_state = tf.cast(other_state, self.dtype) state_dm = tf.einsum("bi,bj->bij", tf.math.conj(other_state), other_state) flat_state_dm = tf.reshape(state_dm, [1, -1]) flat_rho = tf.reshape(rho, [-1, self.cutoff_dim**2]) f = tf.math.real( tf.reduce_sum(flat_rho * flat_state_dm, axis=1) ) # implements a batched tr(rho|s><s|) if not self.batched: f = tf.squeeze(f, 0) # drop fake batch dimension f = tf.identity(f, name="fidelity") return f
[docs] def fidelity_coherent(self, alpha_list, **kwargs): r""" Compute the fidelity of the state with the coherent states specified by alpha_list. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: alpha_list (Sequence[complex]): list of coherence parameter values, one for each mode Returns: float/Tensor: the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the fidelity :math:`\bra{\vec{\alpha}}\rho\ket{\vec{\alpha}}`. """ if not hasattr(alpha_list, "__len__"): alpha_list = [alpha_list] if len(alpha_list) != self.num_modes: raise ValueError("The number of alpha values must match the number of modes.") max_indices = (len(indices) - 1) // 2 if len(alpha_list) > max_indices: raise ValueError("Length of `alpha_list` exceeds supported number of modes.") s = if not self.batched: s = tf.expand_dims(s, 0) # introduce fake batch dimension coh = lambda a, dim: [ np.exp(-0.5 * np.abs(a) ** 2) * (a) ** n / np.sqrt(factorial(n)) for n in range(dim) ] multi_cohs_list = [ coh(a, self.cutoff_dim) for a in alpha_list ] # shape is: [num_modes, cutoff_dim] eqn = ",".join(indices[: self._modes]) + "->" + indices[: self._modes] multi_cohs_vec = np.einsum( eqn, *multi_cohs_list ) # tensor product of specified coherent states flat_multi_cohs = np.reshape( multi_cohs_vec, [1, self.cutoff_dim**self.num_modes] ) # flattened tensor product; shape is: [1, cutoff_dim * num_modes] if self.is_pure: flat_state = tf.reshape(s, [-1, self.cutoff_dim**self.num_modes]) ovlap = tf.reduce_sum(flat_multi_cohs.conj() * flat_state, axis=1) f = tf.abs(ovlap) ** 2 else: batch_index = indices[0] free_indices = indices[1:] bra_indices = free_indices[: self.num_modes] ket_indices = free_indices[self.num_modes : 2 * self.num_modes] eqn = ( bra_indices + "," + batch_index + "".join(bra_indices[idx] + ket_indices[idx] for idx in range(self.num_modes)) + "," + ket_indices + "->" + batch_index ) f = tf.einsum( eqn, tf.convert_to_tensor(np.conj(multi_cohs_vec), dtype=self.dtype), s, tf.convert_to_tensor(multi_cohs_vec, dtype=self.dtype), ) if not self.batched: f = tf.squeeze(f, 0) # drop fake batch dimension f = tf.identity(f, name="fidelity_coherent") return f
[docs] def fidelity_vacuum(self, **kwargs): r""" Compute the fidelity of the state with the vacuum state. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: Returns: float/Tensor: the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the fidelity :math:`\bra{\vec{0}}\rho\ket{\vec{0}}`. """ mode_size = 1 if self.is_pure else 2 if self.batched: vac_elem = tf.math.real( tf.reshape(, [-1, self.cutoff_dim ** (self.num_modes * mode_size)])[:, 0] ) else: vac_elem = tf.abs(tf.reshape(, [-1])[0]) ** 2 v = tf.identity(vac_elem, name="fidelity_vacuum") return v
[docs] def is_vacuum(self, tol=0.0, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument r""" Computes a boolean which indicates whether the state is the vacuum state. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: tol: numerical tolerance. If the state has fidelity with vacuum within tol, then this method returns True. Returns: bool/Tensor: the boolean value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for whether the state is in vacuum. """ fidel = self.fidelity_vacuum() # dont pass on kwargs yet is_vac = tf.less_equal(1 - fidel, tol, name="is_vacuum") return is_vac
[docs] def reduced_dm(self, modes, **kwargs): r""" Computes the reduced density matrix representation of the state. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: modes (int or Sequence[int]): specifies the mode(s) to return the reduced density matrix for. Returns: array/Tensor: the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the density matrix. """ if modes == list(range(self.num_modes)): # reduced state is full state return**kwargs) if isinstance(modes, int): modes = [modes] if modes != sorted(modes): raise ValueError("The specified modes cannot be duplicated.") if len(modes) > self.num_modes: raise ValueError( "The number of specified modes cannot " "be larger than the number of subsystems." ) reduced =**kwargs) reduced = reduced_density_matrix(reduced, modes, False, batched=self.batched) s = tf.identity(reduced, name="reduced_density_matrix") return s
[docs] def quad_expectation(self, mode, phi=0.0, **kwargs): r""" Compute the expectation value of the quadrature operator :math:`\hat{x}_\phi` for the reduced state on the specified mode. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: mode (int): which subsystem to take the expectation value of phi (float): rotation angle for the quadrature operator Returns: float/Tensor: the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the expectation value """ rho = self.reduced_dm([mode]) # don't pass kwargs yet phi = tf.convert_to_tensor(phi) if self.batched and len(phi.shape) == 0: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition phi = tf.expand_dims(phi, 0) larger_cutoff = self.cutoff_dim + 1 # start one dimension higher to avoid truncation errors R = phase_shifter_matrix(phi, larger_cutoff, batched=self.batched, dtype=self.dtype) if not self.batched: R = tf.expand_dims(R, 0) # add fake batch dimension a, ad = ladder_ops(larger_cutoff) x = np.sqrt(self._hbar / 2.0) * (a + ad) x = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(x, self.dtype), 0) # add batch dimension to x quad = tf.math.conj(R) @ x @ R quad2 = (quad @ quad)[:, : self.cutoff_dim, : self.cutoff_dim] quad = quad[ :, : self.cutoff_dim, : self.cutoff_dim ] # drop highest dimension; remaining array gives correct truncated x**2 if not self.batched: rho = tf.expand_dims(rho, 0) # add fake batch dimension flat_rho = tf.reshape(rho, [-1, self.cutoff_dim**2]) flat_quad = tf.reshape(quad, [1, self.cutoff_dim**2]) flat_quad2 = tf.reshape(quad2, [1, self.cutoff_dim**2]) e = tf.math.real( tf.reduce_sum(flat_rho * flat_quad, axis=1) ) # implements a batched tr(rho * x) e2 = tf.math.real( tf.reduce_sum(flat_rho * flat_quad2, axis=1) ) # implements a batched tr(rho * x ** 2) v = e2 - e**2 if not self.batched: e = tf.squeeze(e, 0) # drop fake batch dimension v = tf.squeeze(v, 0) # drop fake batch dimension e = tf.identity(e, name="quad_expectation") v = tf.identity(v, name="quad_variance") return e, v
[docs] def mean_photon(self, mode, **kwargs): r""" Compute the mean photon number for the reduced state on the specified mode. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: mode (int): which subsystem to take the mean photon number of Returns: tuple(float/Tensor): tuple containing the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the mean photon number and variance. """ rho = self.reduced_dm([mode]) # don't pass kwargs yet if not self.batched: rho = tf.expand_dims(rho, 0) # add fake batch dimension n = np.diag(np.arange(self.cutoff_dim)) flat_n = np.reshape(n, [1, self.cutoff_dim**2]) flat_rho = tf.reshape(rho, [-1, self.cutoff_dim**2]) nbar = tf.math.real( tf.reduce_sum(flat_rho * flat_n, axis=1) ) # implements a batched tr(rho * n) nbarSq = tf.math.real( tf.reduce_sum(flat_rho * flat_n**2, axis=1) ) # implements a batched tr(rho * n^2) var = nbarSq - nbar**2 if not self.batched: nbar = tf.squeeze(nbar, 0) # drop fake batch dimension var = tf.squeeze(var, 0) # drop fake batch dimension nbar = tf.identity(nbar, name="mean_photon") var = tf.identity(var, name="mean_photon_variance") return nbar, var
[docs] def ket(self, **kwargs): r""" Computes the ket representation of the state. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: Returns: array/Tensor: the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the ket. """ if not self.is_pure: return None s = tf.identity(, name="ket") return s
[docs] def dm(self, **kwargs): r""" Computes the density matrix representation of the state. May be numerical or symbolic. Args: Returns: array/Tensor: the numerical value, or an unevaluated Tensor object, for the density matrix. """ if self.is_pure: if self.batched: batch_index = indices[0] free_indices = indices[1:] else: batch_index = "" free_indices = indices ket = left_str = [batch_index] + [free_indices[i] for i in range(0, 2 * self.num_modes, 2)] right_str = [batch_index] + [free_indices[i] for i in range(1, 2 * self.num_modes, 2)] out_str = [batch_index] + [free_indices[: 2 * self.num_modes]] einstr = "".join(left_str + [","] + right_str + ["->"] + out_str) s = tf.einsum(einstr, ket, tf.math.conj(ket)) else: s = tf.identity(, name="density_matrix") return s
[docs] def wigner(self, mode, xvec, pvec): r"""Calculates the discretized Wigner function of the specified mode. .. warning:: Calculation of the Wigner function is currently only supported if ``eval=True`` and ``batched=False``. .. note:: This code is a modified version of the 'iterative' method of the `wigner function provided in QuTiP <>`_, which is released under the BSD license, with the following copyright notice: Copyright (C) 2011 and later, P.D. Nation, J.R. Johansson, A.J.G. Pitchford, C. Granade, and A.L. Grimsmo. All rights reserved. Args: mode (int): the mode to calculate the Wigner function for xvec (array): array of discretized :math:`x` quadrature values pvec (array): array of discretized :math:`p` quadrature values Returns: array: 2D array of size [len(xvec), len(pvec)], containing reduced Wigner function values for specified x and p values. """ if not self.batched: return super().wigner(mode, xvec, pvec) raise NotImplementedError( "Calculation of the Wigner function is currently " "only supported when batched=False" )
[docs] def poly_quad_expectation(self, A, d=None, k=0, phi=0, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover r"""The multi-mode expectation values and variance of arbitrary 2nd order polynomials of quadrature operators. .. warning:: Calculation of multi-mode quadratic expectation values is currently only supported if ``eval=True`` and ``batched=False``. An arbitrary 2nd order polynomial of quadrature operators over $N$ modes can always be written in the following form: .. math:: P(\mathbf{r}) = \mathbf{r}^T A\mathbf{r} + \mathbf{r}^T \mathbf{d} + k I where: * :math:`A\in\mathbb{R}^{2N\times 2N}` is a symmetric matrix representing the quadratic coefficients, * :math:`\mathbf{d}\in\mathbb{R}^{2N}` is a real vector representing the linear coefficients, * :math:`k\in\mathbb{R}` represents the constant term, and * :math:`\mathbf{r} = (\x_1,\dots,\x_N,\p_1,\dots,\p_N)` is the vector of quadrature operators in :math:`xp`-ordering. This method returns the expectation value of this second-order polynomial, .. math:: \langle P(\mathbf{r})\rangle, as well as the variance .. math:: \Delta P(\mathbf{r})^2 = \langle P(\mathbf{r})^2\rangle - \braket{P(\mathbf{r})}^2 Args: A (array): a real symmetric 2Nx2N NumPy array, representing the quadratic coefficients of the second order quadrature polynomial. d (array): a symmetric length-2N NumPy array, representing the linear coefficients of the second order quadrature polynomial. Defaults to the zero vector. k (float): the constant term. Default 0. phi (float): quadrature angle, clockwise from the positive :math:`x` axis. If provided, the vector of quadrature operators :math:`\mathbf{r}` is first rotated by angle :math:`\phi` in the phase space. Returns: tuple (float, float): expectation value and variance """ if not self.batched: return super().poly_quad_expectation(A, d, k, phi, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError( "Calculation of multi-mode quadratic expectation values is currently " "only supported when batched=False." )
@property def batched(self): """The number of batches.""" return self._batched @property def dtype(self): """The circuit dtype""" return self._dtype