Source code for strawberryfields.compilers.passive

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"""This module contains a compiler to reduce a sequence of passive gates into a single multimode linear passive operation"""

import numpy as np
from strawberryfields.program_utils import Command
from strawberryfields import ops
from strawberryfields.parameters import par_evaluate

from .compiler import Compiler

def _apply_one_mode_gate(G, T, i):
    """In-place applies a one mode gate G into the process matrix T in mode i

        G (complex or float): one mode gate
        T (array): passive transformation
        i (int): index of one mode gate

        T (array): updated passive transformation

    T[i] *= G
    return T

def _apply_two_mode_gate(G, T, i, j):
    """In-place applies a two mode gate G into the process matrix T in modes i and j

        G (array): 2x2 matrix for two mode gate
        T (array): passive transformation
        i (int): index of first mode of gate
        j (int): index of second mode of gate

        T (array): updated passive transformation
    (T[i], T[j]) = (G[0, 0] * T[i] + G[0, 1] * T[j], G[1, 0] * T[i] + G[1, 1] * T[j])
    return T

def _beam_splitter_passive(theta, phi):

        theta (float): transmissivity parameter
        phi (float): phase parameter

        array: unitary 2x2 transformation matrix of an interferometer with angles theta and phi
    ct = np.cos(theta)
    st = np.sin(theta)
    eip = np.cos(phi) + 1j * np.sin(phi)
    U = np.array(
            [ct, -np.conj(eip) * st],
            [eip * st, ct],
    return U

[docs]class Passive(Compiler): """Compiler to write a sequence of passive operations as a single passive operation This compiler checks whether the circuit can be implemented as a sequence of passive operations. If so, it arranges them in a single matrix, T. It then returns an PassiveChannel operation which can act this transformation. This compiler can be accessed by calling :meth:`.Program.compile` with `'passive'` specified. **Example:** Consider the following Strawberry Fields program, compiled using the `'passive'` compiler: .. code-block:: python3 from strawberryfields.ops import BSgate, LossChannel, Rgate import strawberryfields as sf circuit = sf.Program(2) with circuit.context as q: Rgate(np.pi) | q[0] BSgate(0.25 * np.pi, 0) | (q[0], q[1]) LossChannel(0.9) | q[1] compiled_circuit = circuit.compile(compiler="passive") We can now print the compiled circuit, consisting a single :class:`~.PassiveChannel`: >>> compiled_circuit.print() PassiveChannel([[-0.7071+8.6596e-17j -0.7071+0.0000e+00j] [-0.6708+8.2152e-17j 0.6708+0.0000e+00j]]) | (q[0], q[1]) """ short_name = "passive" interactive = True primitives = { # meta operations "All", "_New_modes", "_Delete", # single mode gates "Rgate", "LossChannel", # multi mode gates "MZgate", "sMZgate", "BSgate", "Interferometer", # Note that interferometer is accepted as a primitive "PassiveChannel", # and PassiveChannels! } decompositions = {} # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
[docs] def compile(self, seq, registers): """Try to arrange a passive circuit into a single multimode passive operation This method checks whether the circuit can be implemented as a sequence of passive gates. If the answer is yes it arranges them into a single operation. Args: seq (Sequence[Command]): passive quantum circuit to modify registers (Sequence[RegRefs]): quantum registers Returns: List[Command]: compiled circuit Raises: CircuitError: the circuit does not correspond to a passive unitary """ # Check which modes are actually being used used_modes = [] for operations in seq: modes = [modes_label.ind for modes_label in operations.reg] used_modes.append(modes) used_modes = list(set(item for sublist in used_modes for item in sublist)) # dictionary mapping the used modes to consecutive non-negative integers dict_indices = {used_modes[i]: i for i in range(len(used_modes))} nmodes = len(used_modes) # We start with an identity then sequentially update with the gate transformations T = np.identity(nmodes, dtype=np.complex128) # Now we will go through each operation in the sequence `seq` and apply it to T for operations in seq: name = operations.op.__class__.__name__ params = par_evaluate(operations.op.p) modes = [modes_label.ind for modes_label in operations.reg] if name == "Rgate": G = np.exp(1j * params[0]) T = _apply_one_mode_gate(G, T, dict_indices[modes[0]]) elif name == "LossChannel": G = np.sqrt(params[0]) T = _apply_one_mode_gate(G, T, dict_indices[modes[0]]) elif name == "Interferometer": U = params[0] if U.shape == (1, 1): T = _apply_one_mode_gate(U[0, 0], T, dict_indices[modes[0]]) elif U.shape == (2, 2): T = _apply_two_mode_gate(U, T, dict_indices[modes[0]], dict_indices[modes[1]]) else: modes = [dict_indices[mode] for mode in modes] U_expand = np.eye(nmodes, dtype=np.complex128) U_expand[np.ix_(modes, modes)] = U T = U_expand @ T elif name == "PassiveChannel": T0 = params[0] if T0.shape == (1, 1): T = _apply_one_mode_gate(T0[0, 0], T, dict_indices[modes[0]]) elif T0.shape == (2, 2): T = _apply_two_mode_gate(T0, T, dict_indices[modes[0]], dict_indices[modes[1]]) else: modes = [dict_indices[mode] for mode in modes] T0_expand = np.eye(nmodes, dtype=np.complex128) T0_expand[np.ix_(modes, modes)] = T0 T = T0_expand @ T elif name == "BSgate": G = _beam_splitter_passive(params[0], params[1]) T = _apply_two_mode_gate(G, T, dict_indices[modes[0]], dict_indices[modes[1]]) elif name == "MZgate": v = np.exp(1j * params[0]) u = np.exp(1j * params[1]) U = 0.5 * np.array([[u * (v - 1), 1j * (1 + v)], [1j * u * (1 + v), 1 - v]]) T = _apply_two_mode_gate(U, T, dict_indices[modes[0]], dict_indices[modes[1]]) elif name == "sMZgate": exp_sigma = np.exp(1j * (params[0] + params[1]) / 2) delta = (params[0] - params[1]) / 2 U = exp_sigma * np.array( [[np.sin(delta), np.cos(delta)], [np.cos(delta), -np.sin(delta)]] ) T = _apply_two_mode_gate(U, T, dict_indices[modes[0]], dict_indices[modes[1]]) ord_reg = [r for r in list(registers) if r.ind in used_modes] ord_reg = sorted(list(ord_reg), key=lambda x: x.ind) return [Command(ops.PassiveChannel(T), ord_reg)]