Source code for strawberryfields.backends.states

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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This module provides abstract base classes which represent the quantum state
returned by a simulator backend via :class:`.Engine`.
import abc
import string
from itertools import chain
from copy import copy

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from scipy.special import factorial
from scipy.integrate import simps

from thewalrus.symplectic import rotation as _R
from thewalrus.symplectic import xpxp_to_xxpp

import thewalrus.quantum as twq

import strawberryfields as sf

indices = string.ascii_lowercase

[docs]class BaseState(abc.ABC): r"""Abstract base class for the representation of quantum states.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods EQ_TOLERANCE = 1e-10 def __init__(self, num_modes, mode_names=None): self._modes = num_modes self._hbar = sf.hbar # always use the global frontend hbar value for state objects self._data = None self._pure = None if mode_names is None: self._modemap = {i: "mode {}".format(i) for i in range(num_modes)} else: self._modemap = {i: "{}".format(j) for i, j in zip(range(num_modes), mode_names)} self._str = "<BaseState: num_modes={}, pure={}, hbar={}>".format( self.num_modes, self._pure, self._hbar ) def __str__(self): return self._str def __repr__(self): return self._str @property def data(self): r"""Returns the underlying numerical (or symbolic) representation of the state. The form of this data differs for different backends.""" return self._data @property def hbar(self): r"""Returns the value of :math:`\hbar` used in the generation of the state. The value of :math:`\hbar` is a convention chosen in the definition of :math:`\x` and :math:`\p`. See :ref:`opcon` for more details. Returns: float: :math:`\hbar` value. """ return self._hbar @property def is_pure(self): r"""Checks whether the state is a pure state. Returns: bool: True if and only if the state is pure. """ return self._pure @property def num_modes(self): r"""Gets the number of modes that the state represents. Returns: int: the number of modes in the state """ return self._modes @property def mode_names(self): r"""Returns a dictionary mapping the mode index to mode names. The mode names are determined from the initialization argument ``mode_names``. If these were not supplied, the names are generated automatically based on the mode indices. Returns: dict: dictionary of the form ``{i:"mode name",...}`` """ return self._modemap @property def mode_indices(self): r"""Returns a dictionary mapping the mode names to mode indices. The mode names are determined from the initialization argument ``mode_names``. If these were not supplied, the names are generated automatically based on the mode indices. Returns: dict: dictionary of the form ``{"mode name":i,...}`` """ return {v: k for k, v in self._modemap.items()}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ket(self, **kwargs): r"""The numerical state vector for the quantum state in the Fock basis. Note that if the state is mixed, this method returns None. Keyword Args: cutoff (int): Specifies where to truncate the returned density matrix (default value is 10). Note that the cutoff argument only applies for Gaussian representation; states represented in the Fock basis will use their own internal cutoff dimension. Returns: array/None: the numerical state vector. Returns None if the state is mixed. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def dm(self, **kwargs): r"""The numerical density matrix for the quantum state in the Fock basis. Keyword Args: cutoff (int): Specifies where to truncate the returned density matrix (default value is 10). Note that the cutoff argument only applies for Gaussian representation; states represented in the Fock basis will use their own internal cutoff dimension. Returns: array: the numerical density matrix in the Fock basis """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reduced_dm(self, modes, **kwargs): r"""Returns a reduced density matrix in the Fock basis. Args: modes (int or Sequence[int]): specifies the mode(s) to return the reduced density matrix for. Keyword Args: cutoff (int): Specifies where to truncate the returned density matrix (default value is 10). Note that the cutoff argument only applies for Gaussian representation; states represented in the Fock basis will use their own internal cutoff dimension. Returns: array: the reduced density matrix for the specified modes """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fock_prob(self, n, **kwargs): r"""Probability of a particular Fock basis state. Computes the probability :math:`|\braket{\vec{n}|\psi}|^2` of measuring the given multi-mode Fock state based on the state :math:`\ket{\psi}`. .. warning:: Computing the Fock probabilities of states has exponential scaling in the Gaussian representation (for example states output by a Gaussian backend as a :class:`~.BaseGaussianState`). This shouldn't affect small-scale problems, where only a few Fock basis state probabilities need to be calculated, but will become evident in larger scale problems. Args: n (Sequence[int]): the Fock state :math:`\ket{\vec{n}}` that we want to measure the probability of Keyword Args: cutoff (int): Specifies where to truncate the computation (default value is 10). Note that the cutoff argument only applies for Gaussian representation; states represented in the Fock basis will use their own internal cutoff dimension. Returns: float: measurement probability """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def all_fock_probs(self, **kwargs): r"""Probabilities of all possible Fock basis states for the current circuit state. For example, in the case of 3 modes, this method allows the Fock state probability :math:`|\braketD{0,2,3}{\psi}|^2` to be returned via .. code-block:: python probs = state.all_fock_probs() probs[0,2,3] Returns: array: array of dimension :math:`\underbrace{D\times D\times D\cdots\times D}_{\text{num modes}}` containing the Fock state probabilities, where :math:`D` is the Fock basis cutoff truncation Keyword Args: cutoff (int): Specifies where to truncate the computation (default value is 10). Note that the cutoff argument only applies for Gaussian representation; states represented in the Fock basis will use their own internal cutoff dimension. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def mean_photon(self, mode, **kwargs): """Returns the mean photon number of a particular mode. Args: mode (int): specifies the mode **kwargs: * **cutoff** (*int*): (default 10) Fock basis trunction for calculation of mean photon number. Note that the cutoff argument only applies for Gaussian representation; states represented in the Fock basis will use their own internal cutoff dimension. Returns: tuple: the mean photon number and variance """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fidelity(self, other_state, mode, **kwargs): r"""Fidelity of the reduced state in the specified mode with a user supplied state. Note that this method only supports single-mode states. Args: other_state: a pure state vector array represented in the Fock basis (for Fock backends) or a Sequence ``(mu, cov)`` containing the means and covariance matrix (for Gaussian backends) Returns: The fidelity of the circuit state with ``other_state``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fidelity_vacuum(self, **kwargs): """The fidelity of the state with the vacuum state. Returns: float: the fidelity of the state with the vacuum """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fidelity_coherent(self, alpha_list, **kwargs): r"""The fidelity of the state with a product of coherent states. The fidelity is defined by .. math:: \bra{\vec{\alpha}}\rho\ket{\vec{\alpha}} Args: alpha_list (Sequence[complex]): list of coherent state parameters, one for each mode Returns: float: the fidelity value """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def wigner(self, mode, xvec, pvec): r"""Calculates the discretized Wigner function of the specified mode. Args: mode (int): the mode to calculate the Wigner function for xvec (array): array of discretized :math:`x` quadrature values pvec (array): array of discretized :math:`p` quadrature values Returns: array: 2D array of size [len(xvec), len(pvec)], containing reduced Wigner function values for specified x and p values. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def quad_expectation(self, mode, phi=0, **kwargs): r"""The :math:`\x_{\phi}` operator expectation values and variance for the specified mode. The :math:`\x_{\phi}` operator is defined as follows, .. math:: \x_{\phi} = \cos\phi~\x + \sin\phi~\p with corresponding expectation value .. math:: \bar{x_{\phi}}=\langle x_{\phi}\rangle = \text{Tr}(\x_{\phi}\rho_{mode}) and variance .. math:: \Delta x_{\phi}^2 = \langle x_{\phi}^2\rangle - \braket{x_{\phi}}^2 Args: mode (int): the requested mode phi (float): quadrature angle, clockwise from the positive :math:`x` axis. * :math:`\phi=0` corresponds to the :math:`x` expectation and variance (default) * :math:`\phi=\pi/2` corresponds to the :math:`p` expectation and variance Returns: tuple (float, float): expectation value and variance """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def poly_quad_expectation(self, A, d=None, k=0, phi=0, **kwargs): r"""The multi-mode expectation values and variance of arbitrary 2nd order polynomials of quadrature operators. An arbitrary 2nd order polynomial of quadrature operators over $N$ modes can always be written in the following form: .. math:: P(\mathbf{r}) = \mathbf{r}^T A\mathbf{r} + \mathbf{r}^T \mathbf{d} + k I where: * :math:`A\in\mathbb{R}^{2N\times 2N}` is a symmetric matrix representing the quadratic coefficients, * :math:`\mathbf{d}\in\mathbb{R}^{2N}` is a real vector representing the linear coefficients, * :math:`k\in\mathbb{R}` represents the constant term, and * :math:`\mathbf{r} = (\x_1,\dots,\x_N,\p_1,\dots,\p_N)` is the vector of quadrature operators in :math:`xp`-ordering. This method returns the expectation value of this second-order polynomial, .. math:: \langle P(\mathbf{r})\rangle, as well as the variance .. math:: \Delta P(\mathbf{r})^2 = \braket{P(\mathbf{r})^2} - \braket{P(\mathbf{r})}^2 Args: A (array): a real symmetric 2Nx2N NumPy array, representing the quadratic coefficients of the second order quadrature polynomial. d (array): a real length-2N NumPy array, representing the linear coefficients of the second order quadrature polynomial. Defaults to the zero vector. k (float): the constant term. Default 0. phi (float): quadrature angle, clockwise from the positive :math:`x` axis. If provided, the vectori of quadrature operators :math:`\mathbf{r}` is first rotated by angle :math:`\phi` in the phase space. Returns: tuple (float, float): expectation value and variance """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def number_expectation(self, modes): r""" Calculates the expectation value of the product of the number operators of the modes. This method computes the analytic expectation value :math:`\langle \hat{n}_{i_0} \hat{n}_{i_1}\dots \hat{n}_{i_{N-1}}\rangle` for a (sub)set of modes :math:`[i_0, i_1, \dots, i_{N-1}]` of the system. Args: modes (list): list of modes for which one wants the expectation of the product of their number operator. Return: tuple[float, float]: the expectation value and variance **Example** Consider the following program: .. code-block:: python prog = sf.Program(3) with prog.context as q: ops.Sgate(0.5) | q[0] ops.Sgate(0.5) | q[1] ops.Sgate(0.5) | q[2] ops.BSgate(np.pi/3, 0.1) | (q[0], q[1]) ops.BSgate(np.pi/3, 0.1) | (q[1], q[2]) Executing this on the Fock backend, >>> eng = sf.Engine("fock", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": 10}) >>> state = we can compute the expectation value :math:`\langle \hat{n}_0\hat{n}_2\rangle`: >>> state.number_expectation([0, 2])[0] 0.07252895071309405 Executing the same program on the Gaussian backend, >>> eng = sf.Engine("gaussian") >>> state = >>> state.number_expectation([0, 2])[0] 0.07566984755267293 This slight difference in value compared to the result from the Fock backend above is due to the finite Fock basis truncation when using the Fock backend; this can be avoided by increasing the value of ``cutoff_dim``. .. warning:: This method only supports at most two modes in the Gaussian backend. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parity_expectation(self, modes): """Calculates the expectation value of a product of parity operators acting on given modes""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def p_quad_values(self, mode, xvec, pvec): r"""Calculates the discretized p-quadrature probability distribution of the specified mode. Args: mode (int): the mode to calculate the p-quadrature probability values of xvec (array): array of discretized :math:`x` quadrature values pvec (array): array of discretized :math:`p` quadrature values Returns: array: 1D array of size len(pvec), containing reduced p-quadrature probability values for a specified range of x and p. """ W = self.wigner(mode, xvec, pvec) y = [] for i in range(0, len(pvec)): res = simps(W[i, : len(xvec)], xvec) y.append(res) return np.array(y)
[docs] def x_quad_values(self, mode, xvec, pvec): r"""Calculates the discretized x-quadrature probability distribution of the specified mode. Args: mode (int): the mode to calculate the x-quadrature probability values of xvec (array): array of discretized :math:`x` quadrature values pvec (array): array of discretized :math:`p` quadrature values Returns: array: 1D array of size len(xvec), containing reduced x-quadrature probability values for a specified range of x and p. """ W = self.wigner(mode, xvec, pvec) y = [] for i in range(0, len(xvec)): res = simps(W[: len(pvec), i], pvec) y.append(res) return np.array(y)
[docs]class BaseFockState(BaseState): r"""Class for the representation of quantum states in the Fock basis. Args: state_data (array): the state representation in the Fock basis num_modes (int): the number of modes in the state pure (bool): True if the state is a pure state, false if the state is mixed cutoff_dim (int): the Fock basis truncation size mode_names (Sequence): (optional) this argument contains a list providing mode names for each mode in the state """ def __init__(self, state_data, num_modes, pure, cutoff_dim, mode_names=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments super().__init__(num_modes, mode_names) self._data = state_data self._cutoff = cutoff_dim self._pure = pure self._basis = "fock" self._str = "<FockState: num_modes={}, cutoff={}, pure={}, hbar={}>".format( self.num_modes, self._cutoff, self._pure, self._hbar ) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality operator for BaseFockState. Returns True if other BaseFockState is close to self. This is done by comparing the dm attribute - if within the EQ_TOLERANCE, True is returned. Args: other (BaseFockState): BaseFockState to compare against. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False if self.num_modes != other.num_modes: return False if != return False if np.allclose(,, atol=self.EQ_TOLERANCE, rtol=0): return True return False @property def cutoff_dim(self): r"""The numerical truncation of the Fock space used by the underlying state. Note that a cutoff of D corresponds to the Fock states :math:`\{|0\rangle,\dots,|D-1\rangle\}` Returns: int: the cutoff dimension """ return self._cutoff
[docs] def ket(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self._pure: return return None # pragma: no cover
[docs] def dm(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self._pure: left_str = [indices[i] for i in range(0, 2 * self._modes, 2)] right_str = [indices[i] for i in range(1, 2 * self._modes, 2)] out_str = [indices[: 2 * self._modes]] einstr = "".join(left_str + [","] + right_str + ["->"] + out_str) rho = np.einsum(einstr, self.ket(), self.ket().conj()) return rho return
[docs] def trace(self, **kwargs): r"""Trace of the density operator corresponding to the state. For pure states the trace corresponds to the squared norm of the ket vector. For physical states this should always be 1, any deviations from this value are due to numerical errors and Hilbert space truncation artefacts. Returns: float: trace of the state """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self.is_pure: return np.vdot(self.ket(), self.ket()).real # <s|s> # need some extra steps to trace over multimode matrices eqn_indices = [ [indices[idx]] * 2 for idx in range(self._modes) ] # doubled indices [['i','i'],['j','j'], ... ] eqn = "".join( chain.from_iterable(eqn_indices) ) # flatten indices into a single string 'iijj...' return np.einsum(eqn,
[docs] def all_fock_probs(self, **kwargs): r"""Probabilities of all possible Fock basis states for the current circuit state. For example, in the case of 3 modes, this method allows the Fock state probability :math:`|\braketD{0,2,3}{\psi}|^2` to be returned via .. code-block:: python probs = state.all_fock_probs() probs[0,2,3] Returns: array: array of dimension :math:`\underbrace{D\times D\times D\cdots\times D}_{\text{num modes}}` containing the Fock state probabilities, where :math:`D` is the Fock basis cutoff truncation """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self._pure: s = np.ravel(self.ket()) # into 1D array return np.reshape((s * s.conj()).real, [self._cutoff] * self._modes) s = num_axes = len(s.shape) evens = list(range(0, num_axes, 2)) odds = list(range(1, num_axes, 2)) flat_size =[s.shape[k] for k in range(0, num_axes, 2)]) transpose_list = evens + odds probs = np.diag(np.reshape(np.transpose(s, transpose_list), [flat_size, flat_size])).real return np.reshape(probs, [self._cutoff] * self._modes)
# ===================================================== # the following methods are overwritten from BaseState
[docs] def reduced_dm(self, modes, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if modes == list(range(self._modes)): # reduced state is full state return # pragma: no cover if isinstance(modes, int): modes = [modes] if modes != sorted(modes): raise ValueError("The specified modes cannot be duplicated.") if len(modes) > self._modes: raise ValueError( "The number of specified modes cannot be larger than the number of subsystems." ) # reduce rho down to specified subsystems keep_indices = indices[: 2 * len(modes)] trace_indices = indices[2 * len(modes) : len(modes) + self._modes] ind = [i * 2 for i in trace_indices] ctr = 0 for m in range(self._modes): if m in modes: ind.insert(m, keep_indices[2 * ctr : 2 * (ctr + 1)]) ctr += 1 indStr = "".join(ind) + "->" + keep_indices return np.einsum(indStr,
[docs] def fock_prob(self, n, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if len(n) != self._modes: raise ValueError("List length should be equal to number of modes") if max(n) >= self._cutoff: raise ValueError("Can't get distribution beyond truncation level") if self._pure: return np.abs(self.ket()[tuple(n)]) ** 2 return[tuple(n[i // 2] for i in range(len(n) * 2))].real
[docs] def mean_photon(self, mode, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument n = np.arange(self._cutoff) probs = np.diagonal(self.reduced_dm(mode)) mean = np.sum(n * probs).real var = np.sum(n**2 * probs).real - mean**2 return mean, var
[docs] def fidelity(self, other_state, mode, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument max_indices = len(indices) // 2 if self.num_modes > max_indices: raise Exception("fidelity method can only support up to {} modes".format(max_indices)) left_indices = indices[:mode] eqn_left = "".join([i * 2 for i in left_indices]) reduced_dm_indices = indices[mode : mode + 2] right_indices = indices[mode + 2 : self._modes + 1] eqn_right = "".join([i * 2 for i in right_indices]) eqn = "".join([eqn_left, reduced_dm_indices, eqn_right]) + "->" + reduced_dm_indices rho_reduced = np.einsum(eqn, return,, other_state)).real
[docs] def fidelity_vacuum(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument alpha = np.zeros(self._modes) return self.fidelity_coherent(alpha)
[docs] def fidelity_coherent(self, alpha_list, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,unused-argument if self.is_pure: mode_size = 1 s = self.ket() else: mode_size = 2 s = if not hasattr(alpha_list, "__len__"): alpha_list = [alpha_list] # pragma: no cover if len(alpha_list) != self._modes: raise ValueError("The number of alpha values must match the number of modes.") coh = lambda a, dim: np.array( [np.exp(-0.5 * np.abs(a) ** 2) * (a) ** n / np.sqrt(factorial(n)) for n in range(dim)] ) if self._modes == 1: multi_cohs_vec = coh(alpha_list[0], self._cutoff) else: multi_cohs_list = [ coh(alpha_list[idx], dim) for idx, dim in enumerate(s.shape[::mode_size]) ] eqn = ",".join(indices[: self._modes]) + "->" + indices[: self._modes] multi_cohs_vec = np.einsum( eqn, *multi_cohs_list ) # tensor product of specified coherent states if self.is_pure: ovlap = np.vdot(multi_cohs_vec, s) return np.abs(ovlap) ** 2 bra_indices = indices[: 2 * self._modes : 2] ket_indices = indices[1 : 2 * self._modes : 2] new_eqn_lhs = ",".join([bra_indices, ket_indices]) new_eqn_rhs = "".join(bra_indices[idx] + ket_indices[idx] for idx in range(self._modes)) outer_prod_eqn = new_eqn_lhs + "->" + new_eqn_rhs multi_coh_matrix = np.einsum(outer_prod_eqn, multi_cohs_vec, np.conj(multi_cohs_vec)) return np.vdot(s, multi_coh_matrix).real
[docs] def wigner(self, mode, xvec, pvec): r"""Calculates the discretized Wigner function of the specified mode. .. note:: This code is a modified version of the 'iterative' method of the `wigner function provided in QuTiP <>`_, which is released under the BSD license, with the following copyright notice: Copyright (C) 2011 and later, P.D. Nation, J.R. Johansson, A.J.G. Pitchford, C. Granade, and A.L. Grimsmo. All rights reserved. Args: mode (int): the mode to calculate the Wigner function for xvec (array): array of discretized :math:`x` quadrature values pvec (array): array of discretized :math:`p` quadrature values Returns: array: 2D array of size [len(xvec), len(pvec)], containing reduced Wigner function values for specified x and p values. """ rho = self.reduced_dm(mode) Q, P = np.meshgrid(xvec, pvec) A = (Q + P * 1.0j) / (2 * np.sqrt(self._hbar / 2)) Wlist = np.array([np.zeros(np.shape(A), dtype=complex) for k in range(self._cutoff)]) # Wigner function for |0><0| Wlist[0] = np.exp(-2.0 * np.abs(A) ** 2) / np.pi # W = rho(0,0)W(|0><0|) W = np.real(rho[0, 0]) * np.real(Wlist[0]) for n in range(1, self._cutoff): Wlist[n] = (2.0 * A * Wlist[n - 1]) / np.sqrt(n) W += 2 * np.real(rho[0, n] * Wlist[n]) for m in range(1, self._cutoff): temp = copy(Wlist[m]) # Wlist[m] = Wigner function for |m><m| Wlist[m] = (2 * np.conj(A) * temp - np.sqrt(m) * Wlist[m - 1]) / np.sqrt(m) # W += rho(m,m)W(|m><m|) W += np.real(rho[m, m] * Wlist[m]) for n in range(m + 1, self._cutoff): temp2 = (2 * A * Wlist[n - 1] - np.sqrt(m) * temp) / np.sqrt(n) temp = copy(Wlist[n]) # Wlist[n] = Wigner function for |m><n| Wlist[n] = temp2 # W += rho(m,n)W(|m><n|) + rho(n,m)W(|n><m|) W += 2 * np.real(rho[m, n] * Wlist[n]) return W / (self._hbar)
[docs] def quad_expectation(self, mode, phi=0, **kwargs): a = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(1, self._cutoff + 5)), 1) x = np.sqrt(self._hbar / 2) * (a + a.T) p = -1j * np.sqrt(self._hbar / 2) * (a - a.T) xphi = np.cos(phi) * x + np.sin(phi) * p xphisq =, xphi) # truncate down xphi = xphi[: self._cutoff, : self._cutoff] xphisq = xphisq[: self._cutoff, : self._cutoff] rho = self.reduced_dm(mode) mean = np.trace(, rho)).real var = np.trace(, rho)).real - mean**2 return mean, var
[docs] def poly_quad_expectation(self, A, d=None, k=0, phi=0, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements if A is None: A = np.zeros([2 * self._modes, 2 * self._modes]) if A.shape != (2 * self._modes, 2 * self._modes): raise ValueError("Matrix of quadratic coefficients A must be of size 2Nx2N.") if not np.allclose(A.T, A): raise ValueError("Matrix of quadratic coefficients A must be symmetric.") if d is None: linear_coeff = np.zeros([2 * self._modes]) else: linear_coeff = d.copy() linear_coeff[self._modes :] = -d[self._modes :] if linear_coeff.shape != (2 * self._modes,): raise ValueError("Vector of linear coefficients d must be of length 2N.") # expand the cutoff dimension in approximating the x and p # operators in the Fock basis, to reduce numerical inaccuracy. worksize = 1 dim = self._cutoff + worksize # construct the x and p operators a = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(1, dim)), 1) x_ = np.sqrt(self._hbar / 2) * (a + a.T) p_ = -1j * np.sqrt(self._hbar / 2) * (a - a.T) if phi != 0: # rotate the quadrature operators x = np.cos(phi) * x_ - np.sin(phi) * p_ p = np.sin(phi) * x_ + np.cos(phi) * p_ else: x = x_ p = p_ def expand_dims(op, n, modes): """Expand quadrature operator to act on nth mode""" I = np.identity(dim) allowed_indices = zip(indices[: 2 * modes : 2], indices[1 : 2 * modes : 2]) ind = ",".join(a + b for a, b in allowed_indices) ops = [I] * n + [op] + [I] * (modes - n - 1) # the einsum 'ij,kl,mn->ijklmn' (for 3 modes) return np.einsum(ind, *ops) # determine modes with quadratic expectation values nonzero = np.concatenate( [ np.mod(A.nonzero()[0], self._modes), np.mod(linear_coeff.nonzero()[0], self._modes), ] ) ex_modes = list(set(nonzero)) num_modes = len(ex_modes) if not ex_modes: # only a constant term was provided return k, 0.0 # There are non-zero elements of A and/or d # therefore there are quadratic and/or linear terms. # find the reduced density matrix rho = self.reduced_dm(modes=ex_modes) # generate vector of quadrature operators # this array will have shape [2*num_modes] + [dim]*(2*num_modes) r = np.empty([2 * num_modes] + [dim] * (2 * num_modes), dtype=np.complex128) for n in range(num_modes): r[n] = expand_dims(x, n, num_modes) r[num_modes + n] = expand_dims(p, n, num_modes) # reduce the size of A so that we only consider modes # which we need to calculate the expectation value for rows = ex_modes + [i + self._modes for i in ex_modes] quad_coeffs = A[:, rows][rows] quad_coeffs[num_modes:, :num_modes] = -quad_coeffs[num_modes:, :num_modes] quad_coeffs[:num_modes, num_modes:] = -quad_coeffs[:num_modes, num_modes:] # Compute the polynomial # # For 3 modes, this gives the einsum (with brackets denoting modes): # 'a(bc)(de)(fg),a(ch)(ei)(gj)->(bh)(di)(fj)' applied to r, A@r # # a corresponds to the index in the vector of quadrature operators # r = (x_1,...,x_n,p_1,...,p_n), and the remaining indices ijklmn # are the elements of the operator acting on a 3 mode density matrix. # # So, in effect, matrix of quadratic coefficients A acts only on index a, # this index is then summed, and then each mode of r, A@r undergoes # matrix multiplication ind1 = indices[: 2 * num_modes + 1] ind2 = ind1[0] + "".join( [ str(i) + str(j) for i, j in zip(ind1[2::2], indices[2 * num_modes + 1 : 3 * num_modes + 1]) ] ) ind3 = "".join([str(i) + str(j) for i, j in zip(ind1[1::2], ind2[2::2])]) ind = "{},{}->{}".format(ind1, ind2, ind3) if np.allclose(quad_coeffs, 0.0): poly_op = np.zeros([dim] * (2 * num_modes), dtype=np.complex128) else: # Einsum above applied to to r,Ar # This einsum sums over all quadrature operators, and also applies matrix # multiplication between the same mode of each operator poly_op = np.einsum(ind, r, np.tensordot(quad_coeffs, r, axes=1)).conj() # add linear term rows = np.flip(np.array(rows).reshape([2, -1]), axis=1).flatten() poly_op += r.T @ linear_coeff[rows] # add constant term if k != 0: poly_op += k * expand_dims(np.eye(dim), 0, num_modes) # calculate Op^2 ind = "{},{}->{}".format(ind1[1:], ind2[1:], ind3) poly_op_sq = np.einsum(ind, poly_op, poly_op) # truncate down sl = tuple([slice(0, self._cutoff)] * (2 * num_modes)) poly_op = poly_op[sl] poly_op_sq = poly_op_sq[sl] ind1 = ind1[:-1] ind2 = "".join([str(j) + str(i) for i, j in zip(ind1[::2], ind1[1::2])]) ind = "{},{}".format(ind1, ind2) # calculate expectation value, Tr(Op @ rho) # For 3 modes, this gives the einsum '(ab)(cd)(ef),(ba)(dc)(fe)->' mean = np.einsum(ind, poly_op, rho).real # calculate variance Tr(Op^2 @ rho) - Tr(Op @ rho)^2 var = np.einsum(ind, poly_op_sq, rho).real - mean**2 return mean, var
[docs] def diagonal_expectation(self, modes, values): """Calculates the expectation value of an operator that is diagonal in the number basis""" if len(modes) != len(set(modes)): raise ValueError("There can be no duplicates in the modes specified.") cutoff = self._cutoff # Fock space cutoff. num_modes = self._modes # number of modes in the state. traced_modes = tuple(item for item in range(num_modes) if item not in modes) if self.is_pure: # state is a tensor of probability amplitudes ps = np.abs(self.ket()) ** 2 ps = ps.sum(axis=traced_modes) for _ in modes: ps = np.tensordot(values, ps, axes=1) return float(ps) # state is a tensor of density matrix elements in the SF convention ps = np.real( traced_modes = list(traced_modes) traced_modes.sort(reverse=True) for mode in traced_modes: ps = np.tensordot(np.identity(cutoff), ps, axes=((0, 1), (2 * mode, 2 * mode + 1))) for _ in range(len(modes)): ps = np.tensordot(np.diag(values), ps, axes=((0, 1), (0, 1))) return float(ps)
[docs] def number_expectation(self, modes): """Calculates the expectation value of a product of number operators acting on given modes""" cutoff = self._cutoff values = np.arange(cutoff) mean = self.diagonal_expectation(modes, values) var = self.diagonal_expectation(modes, values**2) - mean**2 return mean, var
[docs] def parity_expectation(self, modes): cutoff = self._cutoff values = (-1) ** np.arange(cutoff) return self.diagonal_expectation(modes, values)
[docs]class BaseGaussianState(BaseState): r"""Class for the representation of quantum states using the Gaussian formalism. Note that this class uses the Gaussian representation convention .. math:: \bar{\mathbf{r}} = (\bar{x}_1,\bar{x}_2,\dots,\bar{x}_N,\bar{p}_1,\dots,\bar{p}_N) Args: state_data (tuple(mu, cov)): A tuple containing the vector of means array ``mu`` and the covariance matrix array ``cov``, in terms of the complex displacement. num_modes (int): the number of modes in the state pure (bool): True if the state is a pure state, false if the state is mixed mode_names (Sequence): (optional) this argument contains a list providing mode names for each mode in the state """ # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, state_data, num_modes, mode_names=None): super().__init__(num_modes, mode_names) self._data = state_data # vector of means and covariance matrix, using frontend x,p scaling self._mu = self._data[0] * np.sqrt(self._hbar / 2) self._cov = self._data[1] * (self._hbar / 2) # complex displacements of the Gaussian state self._alpha = self._mu[: self._modes] + 1j * self._mu[self._modes :] self._alpha /= np.sqrt(2 * self._hbar) self._pure = ( np.abs(np.linalg.det(self._cov) - (self._hbar / 2) ** (2 * self._modes)) < self.EQ_TOLERANCE ) self._basis = "gaussian" self._str = "<GaussianState: num_modes={}, pure={}, hbar={}>".format( self.num_modes, self._pure, self._hbar ) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality operator for BaseGaussianState. Returns True if other BaseGaussianState is close to self. This is done by comparing the means vector and cov matrix. If both are within the EQ_TOLERANCE, True is returned. Args: other (BaseGaussianState): BaseGaussianState to compare against. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False if self.num_modes != other.num_modes: return False if np.allclose(self._mu, other._mu, atol=self.EQ_TOLERANCE, rtol=0) and np.allclose( self._cov, other._cov, atol=self.EQ_TOLERANCE, rtol=0 ): return True return False
[docs] def means(self): r"""The vector of means describing the Gaussian state. For a :math:`N` mode state, this has the form .. math:: \bar{\mathbf{r}} = \left(\bar{x}_0,\dots,\bar{x}_{N-1},\bar{p}_0,\dots,\bar{p}_{N-1}\right) where :math:`\bar{x}_i` and :math:`\bar{p}_i` refer to the mean position and momentum quadrature of mode :math:`i` respectively. Returns: array: a length :math:`2N` array containing the vector of means. """ return self._mu
[docs] def cov(self): r"""The covariance matrix describing the Gaussian state. The diagonal elements of the covariance matrix correspond to the variance in the position and momentum quadratures: .. math:: \mathbf{V}_{ii} = \begin{cases} (\Delta x_i)^2, & 0\leq i\leq N-1\\ (\Delta p_{i-N})^2, & N\leq i\leq 2(N-1) \end{cases} where :math:`\Delta x_i` and :math:`\Delta p_i` refer to the position and momentum quadrature variance of mode :math:`i` respectively. Note that if the covariance matrix is purely diagonal, then this corresponds to squeezing :math:`z=re^{i\phi}` where :math:`\phi=0`, and :math:`\Delta x_i = e^{-2r}`, :math:`\Delta p_i = e^{2r}`. Returns: array: the :math:`2N\times 2N` covariance matrix. """ return self._cov
[docs] def reduced_gaussian(self, modes): r"""Returns the vector of means and the covariance matrix of the specified modes. Args: modes (int of Sequence[int]): indices of the requested modes Returns: tuple (means, cov): where means is an array containing the vector of means, and cov is a square array containing the covariance matrix. """ if modes == list(range(self._modes)): # reduced state is full state return self._mu, self._cov # reduce rho down to specified subsystems if isinstance(modes, int): modes = [modes] if modes != sorted(modes): raise ValueError("The specified modes cannot be duplicated.") if len(modes) > self._modes: raise ValueError( "The number of specified modes cannot " "be larger than the number of subsystems." ) ind = np.concatenate([np.array(modes), np.array(modes) + self._modes]) rows = ind.reshape(-1, 1) cols = ind.reshape(1, -1) mu = self._mu[ind] cov = self._cov[rows, cols] return mu, cov
[docs] def is_coherent(self, mode, tol=1e-10): r"""Returns True if the Gaussian state of a particular mode is a coherent state. Args: mode (int): the specified mode tol (float): the numerical precision in determining if squeezing is not present Returns: bool: True if and only if the state is a coherent state. """ mu, cov = self.reduced_gaussian([mode]) # pylint: disable=unused-variable cov /= self._hbar / 2 return np.allclose(cov, np.identity(2), atol=tol, rtol=0)
[docs] def displacement(self, modes=None): r"""Returns the displacement parameter :math:`\alpha` of the modes specified. Args: modes (int or Sequence[int]): modes specified Returns: Sequence[complex]: sequence of complex displacements :math:`\alpha` corresponding to the list of specified modes """ if modes is None: modes = list(range(self._modes)) elif isinstance(modes, int): # pragma: no cover modes = [modes] return self._alpha[list(modes)]
[docs] def is_squeezed(self, mode, tol=1e-6): r"""Returns True if the Gaussian state of a particular mode is a squeezed state. Args: mode (int): the specified mode tol (float): the numerical precision in determining if squeezing is present Returns: bool: True if and only if the state is a squeezed state. """ mu, cov = self.reduced_gaussian([mode]) # pylint: disable=unused-variable cov /= self._hbar / 2 return np.any(np.abs(cov - np.identity(2)) > tol)
[docs] def squeezing(self, modes=None): r"""Returns the squeezing parameters :math:`(r,\phi)` of the modes specified. Args: modes (int or Sequence[int]): modes specified Returns: List[(float, float)]: sequence of tuples containing the squeezing parameters :math:`(r,\phi)` of the specified modes. """ if modes is None: modes = list(range(self._modes)) elif isinstance(modes, int): # pragma: no cover modes = [modes] res = [] for i in modes: mu, cov = self.reduced_gaussian([i]) # pylint: disable=unused-variable cov /= self._hbar / 2 tr = np.trace(cov) r = np.arccosh(tr / 2) / 2 if cov[0, 1] == 0.0: phi = 0 else: phi = -np.arcsin(2 * cov[0, 1] / np.sqrt((tr - 2) * (tr + 2))) res.append((r, phi)) return res
# ===================================================== # the following methods are overwritten from BaseState
[docs] def wigner(self, mode, xvec, pvec): mu, cov = self.reduced_gaussian([mode]) X, P = np.meshgrid(xvec, pvec) grid = np.empty(X.shape + (2,)) grid[:, :, 0] = X grid[:, :, 1] = P mvn = multivariate_normal(mu, cov, allow_singular=True) return mvn.pdf(grid)
[docs] def quad_expectation(self, mode, phi=0, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument mu, cov = self.reduced_gaussian([mode]) rot = _R(phi) muphi = rot.T @ mu covphi = rot.T @ cov @ rot return (muphi[0], covphi[0, 0])
[docs] def poly_quad_expectation(self, A, d=None, k=0, phi=0, **kwargs): if A is None: A = np.zeros([2 * self._modes, 2 * self._modes]) if A.shape != (2 * self._modes, 2 * self._modes): raise ValueError("Matrix of quadratic coefficients A must be of size 2Nx2N.") if not np.allclose(A.T, A): raise ValueError("Matrix of quadratic coefficients A must be symmetric.") if d is not None: if d.shape != (2 * self._modes,): raise ValueError("Vector of linear coefficients d must be of length 2N.") else: d = np.zeros([2 * self._modes]) # determine modes with quadratic expectation values nonzero = np.concatenate( [np.mod(A.nonzero()[0], self._modes), np.mod(d.nonzero()[0], self._modes)] ) ex_modes = list(set(nonzero)) # reduce the size of A so that we only consider modes # which we need to calculate the expectation value for rows = ex_modes + [i + self._modes for i in ex_modes] num_modes = len(ex_modes) quad_coeffs = A[:, rows][rows] if not ex_modes: # only a constant term was provided return k, 0.0 mu = self._mu cov = self._cov if phi != 0: # rotate all modes of the covariance matrix and vector of means R = _R(phi) rot = xpxp_to_xxpp(block_diag(*([R] * self._modes))) mu = rot.T @ mu cov = rot.T @ cov @ rot # transform to the expectation of a quadratic on a normal distribution with zero mean # E[P(r)]_(mu,cov) = E(Q(r+mu)]_(0,cov) # = E[rT.A.r + rT.( + (]_(0,cov) # = E[rT.A.r + rT.d' + k']_(0,cov) d2 = 2 * A @ mu + d k2 = mu.T @ A @ mu + mu.T @ d + k # expectation value E[P(r)]_{mu=0} = tr(A.cov) + + muT.d + k|_{mu=0} # = tr(A.cov) + k mean = np.trace(A @ cov) + k2 # variance Var[P(r)]_{mu=0} = 2tr(A.cov.A.cov) + 4* + dT.cov.d|_{mu=0} # = 2tr(A.cov.A.cov) + dT.cov.d var = 2 * np.trace(A @ cov @ A @ cov) + d2.T @ cov @ d2 # Correction term to account for incorrect symmetric ordering in the variance. # This occurs because Var[S(P(r))] = Var[P(r)] - Σ_{m1, m2} |hbar*A_{(m1, m1+N),(m2, m2+N)}|, # where m1, m2 are all possible mode numbers, and N is the total number of modes. # Therefore, the correction term is the sum of the determinants of 2x2 submatrices of A. modes = np.arange(2 * num_modes).reshape(2, -1).T var -= np.sum( [np.linalg.det(self._hbar * quad_coeffs[:, m][n]) for m in modes for n in modes] ) return mean, var
[docs] def number_expectation(self, modes): if len(modes) != len(set(modes)): raise ValueError("There can be no duplicates in the modes specified.") mu = self._mu cov = self._cov mean = twq.photon_number_expectation(mu, cov, modes, hbar=self._hbar).real mean2 = twq.photon_number_squared_expectation(mu, cov, modes, hbar=self._hbar).real var = mean2 - mean**2 return mean, var
[docs] def parity_expectation(self, modes): if len(modes) != len(set(modes)): raise ValueError("There can be no duplicates in the modes specified.") mu = self.means() cov = self.cov() num = np.exp(-(0.5) * (mu @ (np.linalg.inv(cov) @ mu))) parity = ((self.hbar / 2) ** len(modes)) * num / (np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(cov))) return parity
[docs] def ket(self, **kwargs): cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 10) mu = self._mu cov = self._cov if self._pure: return twq.state_vector( mu, cov, hbar=self._hbar, normalize=True, cutoff=cutoff, check_purity=False, ) return None # pragma: no cover
[docs] def dm(self, **kwargs): cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 10) return self.reduced_dm(list(range(self._modes)), cutoff=cutoff)
[docs] def reduced_dm(self, modes, **kwargs): if isinstance(modes, int): modes = [modes] if modes != sorted(modes): raise ValueError("The specified modes cannot be duplicated.") if len(modes) > self._modes: raise ValueError( "The number of specified modes cannot be larger than the number of subsystems." ) cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 10) mu, cov = self.reduced_gaussian(modes) # pylint: disable=unused-variable if self.is_pure: psi = twq.state_vector( mu, cov, hbar=self._hbar, normalize=True, cutoff=cutoff, check_purity=False, ) rho = np.outer(psi, psi.conj()) return rho return twq.density_matrix(mu, cov, hbar=self._hbar, normalize=True, cutoff=cutoff)
[docs] def mean_photon(self, mode, **kwargs): mu, cov = self.reduced_gaussian([mode]) mean = (np.trace(cov) + mu.T @ mu) / (2 * self._hbar) - 1 / 2 var = (np.trace(cov @ cov) + 2 * mu.T @ cov @ mu) / (2 * self._hbar**2) - 1 / 4 return mean, var
[docs] def fidelity(self, other_state, mode, **kwargs): if isinstance(mode, int): mode = [mode] mu1, cov1 = other_state mu2, cov2 = self.reduced_gaussian(mode) return, cov1, mu2, cov2, hbar=self._hbar)
[docs] def fidelity_vacuum(self, **kwargs): alpha = np.zeros(len(self._alpha)) return self.fidelity_coherent(alpha)
[docs] def fidelity_coherent(self, alpha_list, **kwargs): if len(alpha_list) != self._modes: raise ValueError("alpha_list must be same length as the number of modes") if not isinstance(alpha_list, np.ndarray): alpha_list = np.array(alpha_list) mu = np.concatenate([alpha_list.real, alpha_list.imag]) * np.sqrt(2 * self._hbar) cov = np.identity(2 * self._modes) * self._hbar / 2 return[mu, cov], list(range(self._modes)))
[docs] def fock_prob(self, n, **kwargs): if len(n) != self._modes: raise ValueError("Fock state must be same length as the number of modes") cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 10) if sum(n) >= cutoff: raise ValueError("Cutoff argument must be larger than the sum of photon numbers") if self.is_pure: return ( np.abs( twq.pure_state_amplitude( self._mu, self._cov, n, hbar=self._hbar, check_purity=False ) ) ** 2 ) return twq.density_matrix_element(self._mu, self._cov, n, n, hbar=self._hbar).real
[docs] def all_fock_probs(self, **kwargs): cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 10) mu = self._mu cov = self._cov return twq.probabilities(mu, cov, cutoff, hbar=self._hbar)
[docs]class BaseBosonicState(BaseState): r"""Class for the representation of quantum states as linear combinations of Gaussian functions in phase space. Note that this class uses the basis ordering convention .. math:: \bar{\mathbf{r}} = (\bar{x}_1,\bar{p}_1,\bar{x}_2,\bar{p}_2,\dots,\bar{x}_N,\bar{p}_N) Args: state_data (tuple(means, covs, weights)): A tuple containing the array of all the vectors of means, the array of all the covariance matrices, and the array of all the weights for the linear combination num_modes (int): the number of modes in the state num_weights (int): the number of terms in the linear combination mode_names (Sequence): (optional) this argument contains a list providing mode names for each mode in the state """ # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, state_data, num_modes, num_weights, mode_names=None): super().__init__(num_modes, mode_names) self._data = state_data self.num_weights = num_weights # vector of means and covariance matrix, using frontend x,p scaling self._mus = self._data[0] * np.sqrt(self._hbar / 2) self._covs = self._data[1] * (self._hbar / 2) self._weights = self._data[2] self._basis = "bosonic" self._str = "<BosonicState: num_modes={}, num_weights={}, pure={}, hbar={}>".format( self.num_modes, self.num_weights, self._pure, self._hbar ) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality operator for representations of a state. Returns ``True`` if other :class:`~.BaseBosonicState` is close to ``self``. This is done by comparing the weights, means vectors and covariance matrices. If both are within the ``EQ_TOLERANCE``, ``True`` is returned. Note that there can be states with different weights, means and covariance matrices, but which still produce the same Wigner function, so this method is simply a check that the representations are the same, not that the states are equal. Args: other (:class:`~.BaseBosonicState`): ``BaseBosonicState`` to compare against """ # pylint: disable=protected-access # TODO: check equality for two different representations of the same state. # This only checks if they have equal representations. if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False if self.num_modes != other.num_modes: return False if self.num_weights != other.num_weights: return False if ( np.allclose(self._mus, other._mus, atol=self.EQ_TOLERANCE, rtol=0) and np.allclose(self._covs, other._covs, atol=self.EQ_TOLERANCE, rtol=0) and np.allclose(self._weights, other._weights, atol=self.EQ_TOLERANCE, rtol=0) ): return True return False
[docs] def means(self): r"""The vectors of means describing the Bosonic state on N modes. Returns: array[complex]: an array of shape ``(num_weights, 2N)`` """ return self._mus
[docs] def covs(self): r"""The covariance matrices describing the Bosonic state on N modes. Returns: array[complex]: an array of shape ``(num_weights, 2N, 2N)`` """ return self._covs
[docs] def weights(self): r"""The weights describing the Bosonic state. Returns: array: an array of length ``num_weights`` """ return self._weights
[docs] def purity(self): r"""Yields the purity of the state by calculating the integral over phase space of the Wigner function multiplied with itself. Returns float: purity of the state """ pur = 0 for i, weight_i in enumerate(self._weights): exp_arg = np.einsum( "...j,...jk,...k", (self._mus[i] - self._mus), np.linalg.inv(self._covs + self._covs[i]), (self._mus[i] - self._mus), ) prefactor = 1 / (np.sqrt(np.linalg.det((self._covs + self._covs[i])))) pur += np.sum((self._weights * weight_i * prefactor) * np.exp(-0.5 * exp_arg)) pur *= self._hbar**self.num_modes return pur
[docs] def reduced_bosonic(self, modes): r"""Returns the weights, vectors of means and the covariance matrices of the specified modes. Args: modes (int of Sequence[int]): indices of the requested modes Returns: tuple: ``(weights, means, cov)`` where ``weights`` is an array for the coefficients in the linear combination, ``means`` is an array containing the vectors of means, and ``covs`` is an array containing the covariance matrices Raises: ValueError: if modes are duplicated or out of range """ if modes == list(range(self._modes)): # reduced state is full state return self._weights, self._mus, self._covs # reduce rho down to specified subsystems if isinstance(modes, int): modes = [modes] if modes != sorted(modes): raise ValueError("The specified modes cannot be duplicated.") if len(modes) > self._modes: raise ValueError( "The number of specified modes cannot be larger than the number of subsystems." ) ind = np.sort(np.concatenate([2 * np.array(modes), 2 * np.array(modes) + 1])) mu = self._mus[:, ind] cov = self._covs[:, ind, :][:, :, ind] return self._weights, mu, cov
[docs] def displacement(self, modes=None): r"""Returns the displacement parameter :math:`\alpha` of the modes specified. Args: modes (int or Sequence[int]): modes specified Returns: Sequence[complex]: sequence of complex displacements :math:`\alpha` corresponding to the list of specified modes Raises: ValueError: if the phase space coordinate is complex-valued """ if modes is None: modes = list(range(self._modes)) elif isinstance(modes, int): # pragma: no cover modes = [modes] ind = np.sort(np.concatenate([2 * np.array(modes), 2 * np.array(modes) + 1])) avg_mu = np.real_if_close(np.sum(self._weights[:, None] * self._mus[:, ind], axis=0)) if avg_mu.imag.any(): raise ValueError("State mean is complex valued.") alpha = avg_mu[::2] + 1j * avg_mu[1::2] alpha /= np.sqrt(2 * self._hbar) return alpha
# ===================================================== # the following methods are overwritten from BaseState
[docs] def wigner(self, mode, xvec, pvec): r"""Calculates the discretized Wigner function of the specified mode. Args: mode (int): the mode to calculate the Wigner function for xvec (array): array of discretized :math:`x` quadrature values pvec (array): array of discretized :math:`p` quadrature values Returns: array: 2D array of size ``[len(xvec), len(pvec)]``, containing reduced Wigner function values for specified x and p values. Raises: ValueError: if mode is not an integer or out of range """ if not isinstance(mode, int): raise ValueError("Please select one mode indexed by an integer.") if mode > self._modes: raise ValueError( "The number of specified modes cannot be larger than the number of subsystems." ) weights, means, covs = self.reduced_bosonic([mode]) X, P = np.meshgrid(xvec, pvec, sparse=True) wigner = 0 for i, weight_i in enumerate(weights): if X.shape == P.shape: arr = np.array([X - means[i, 0], P - means[i, 1]]) arr = arr.squeeze() else: # need to specify dtype for creating an ndarray from ragged # sequences arr = np.array([X - means[i, 0], P - means[i, 1]], dtype=object) exp_arg = arr @ np.linalg.inv(covs[i]) @ arr prefactor = 1 / (np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * covs[i]))) wigner += (weight_i * prefactor) * np.exp(-0.5 * (exp_arg)) return np.real_if_close(wigner)
[docs] def marginal(self, mode, xvec, phi=0): r"""Calculates the discretized marginal distribution of the specified mode along the :math:`x\cos\phi + p\sin\phi` quadrature. Args: mode (int): the mode to calculate the Wigner function for xvec (array): array of discretized quadrature values phi (float): :math:`phi` value for qudrature angle in phase space Returns: array: 1D array of size ``len(xvec)``, containing marginal distribution values. Raises: ValueError: if mode is not an integer or out of range """ if not isinstance(mode, int): raise ValueError("Please select one mode indexed by an integer.") if mode > self._modes: raise ValueError( "The number of specified modes cannot be larger than the number of subsystems." ) weights, mus, covs = self.reduced_bosonic([mode]) rot = _R(phi) mus_phi = (rot.T @ mus.T).T covs_phi = rot.T @ covs @ rot marginal = 0 for i, weight_i in enumerate(weights): exp_arg = -0.5 * (xvec - mus_phi[i, 0]) ** 2 / covs_phi[i, 0, 0] prefactor = 1 / (np.sqrt((2 * np.pi * covs_phi[i, 0, 0]))) marginal += weight_i * prefactor * np.exp(exp_arg) return np.real_if_close(marginal)
[docs] def quad_expectation(self, mode, phi=0, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument rot = _R(phi) weights, mus, covs = self.reduced_bosonic([mode]) mu_phis = (rot.T @ mus.T).T mu_phi = np.real_if_close(np.sum(weights[:, None] * mu_phis, axis=0)) cov_phis = rot.T @ covs @ rot cov_phi = np.real_if_close(np.sum(weights[:, None, None] * cov_phis, axis=0))[0, 0] cov_phi += np.real_if_close(np.sum(weights * mu_phis[:, 0] ** 2)) cov_phi -= mu_phi[0] ** 2 return (mu_phi[0], cov_phi)
[docs] def poly_quad_expectation(self, A, d=None, k=0, phi=0, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "The poly_quad_expectation method is not implemented for bosonic states." )
[docs] def number_expectation(self, modes): raise NotImplementedError( "The number_expectation method is not implemented for bosonic states." )
[docs] def parity_expectation(self, modes): """Returns the expectation value of the parity operator for modes. Args: mode (list): the requested modes Returns: float: parity of the modes Raises: ValueError: if any modes are duplicated """ if len(modes) != len(set(modes)): raise ValueError("There can be no duplicates in the modes specified.") # Sort by (q1,p1,q2,p2,...) mode_ind = np.sort(np.append(2 * np.array(modes), 2 * np.array(modes) + 1)) exp_arg = np.einsum( "...j,...jk,...k", self._mus[:, mode_ind], np.linalg.inv(self._covs[:, mode_ind, :][:, :, mode_ind]), self._mus[:, mode_ind], ) prefactor = 1 / np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(self._covs[:, mode_ind, :][:, :, mode_ind])) weighted_exp = np.array(self._weights) * prefactor * np.exp(-0.5 * exp_arg) parity = np.sum(weighted_exp) * (self._hbar / 2) ** len(modes) return parity
[docs] def ket(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("The ket method is not implemented for bosonic states.")
[docs] def dm(self, **kwargs): cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 10) return self.reduced_dm(list(range(self._modes)), cutoff=cutoff)
[docs] def reduced_dm(self, modes, **kwargs): r"""Returns a reduced density matrix in the Fock basis. Args: modes (int or Sequence[int]): specifies the mode(s) to return the reduced density matrix for. Keyword Args: cutoff (int): Specifies where to truncate the returned density matrix (default value is 10). Returns: array: the reduced density matrix for the specified modes Raises: ValueError: if any modes are duplicated or out of range """ if isinstance(modes, int): modes = [modes] if modes != sorted(modes): raise ValueError("The specified modes cannot be duplicated.") if len(modes) > self._modes: raise ValueError( "The number of specified modes cannot be larger than the number of subsystems." ) cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 10) weights, mus, covs = self.reduced_bosonic(modes) # pylint: disable=unused-variable rho = 0 for i in range(self.num_weights): rho += weights[i] * twq.density_matrix( mus[i], covs[i], hbar=self._hbar, normalize=False, cutoff=cutoff ) return rho
[docs] def mean_photon(self, mode, **kwargs): """Returns the mean photon number of a particular mode. Args: mode (int): specifies the mode Returns: tuple: the mean photon number and variance Raises: ValueError: if the mean or the variance is complex """ weights, mus, covs = self.reduced_bosonic([mode]) cov_trace = np.matrix.trace(covs, axis1=1, axis2=2) mean_dots = np.einsum( "...j,...j", mus, mus, ) mean = np.sum(weights * (cov_trace + mean_dots)) / (2 * self._hbar) - 0.5 cov_sq_trace = np.matrix.trace(covs @ covs, axis1=1, axis2=2) mean_cov_dots = np.einsum( "...j,...jk,...k", mus, covs, mus, ) var = np.sum(weights * (cov_sq_trace + 2 * mean_cov_dots)) / (2 * self._hbar**2) - 0.25 var += np.sum(weights * ((cov_trace + mean_dots) / (2 * self._hbar) - 0.5) ** 2) var -= mean**2 mean = np.real_if_close(mean) var = np.real_if_close(var) if mean.imag != 0 or var.imag != 0: raise ValueError("Mean or variance of photon number is complex.") return mean, var
[docs] def fidelity(self, other_state, mode, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("The fidelity method is not implemented for bosonic states.")
[docs] def fidelity_vacuum(self, **kwargs): r"""Returns the fidelity to the vacuum. Returns: float: fidelity of the state in modes to the vacuum """ alpha = np.zeros(self._modes) return self.fidelity_coherent(alpha)
[docs] def fidelity_coherent(self, alpha_list, **kwargs): r"""Returns the fidelity to a coherent state. Args: alpha_list (array): amplitudes for coherent states Returns: float: fidelity of the state in modes to the coherent state alpha """ if len(alpha_list) != self._modes: raise ValueError( "The alpha_list argument must be the same length as the number of modes." ) if not isinstance(alpha_list, np.ndarray): alpha_list = np.array(alpha_list) modes = list(range(self._modes)) # Shortcut if there are no active modes. Only allowable alpha is of length zero [], # which is the vacuum, so its fidelity to the state will be 1. if len(modes) == 0: return 1.0 alpha_mean = [] for i in range(len(modes)): alpha_mean.append(alpha_list.real[i] * np.sqrt(2 * self.hbar)) alpha_mean.append(alpha_list.imag[i] * np.sqrt(2 * self.hbar)) alpha_mean = np.array(alpha_mean) deltas = self._mus - alpha_mean cov_sum = self._covs + self._hbar * np.eye(2 * len(modes)) / 2 exp_arg = np.einsum("...j,...jk,...k", deltas, np.linalg.inv(cov_sum), deltas) weighted_exp = ( np.array(self._weights) * self._hbar ** len(modes) * np.exp(-0.5 * exp_arg) / np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(cov_sum)) ) fidelity = np.sum(weighted_exp) return fidelity
[docs] def fock_prob(self, n, **kwargs): r"""Probability of a particular Fock basis state. Args: n (Sequence[int]): the Fock state :math:`\ket{\vec{n}}` that we want to measure the probability of Keyword Args: cutoff (int): Specifies where to truncate the computation (default value is ``10``). Returns: float: measurement probability """ if len(n) != self._modes: raise ValueError("Fock state must be the same length as the number of modes.") cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 10) if sum(n) >= cutoff: raise ValueError("Cutoff argument must be larger than the sum of photon numbers.") prob = 0 for i in range(self.num_weights): prob += self._weights[i] * twq.density_matrix_element( self._mus[i], self._covs[i], n, n, hbar=self._hbar ) return prob.real
[docs] def all_fock_probs(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "The all_fock_probs method is not implemented for bosonic states." )